Reunión del Consejo del 11 de octubre de 2010

Acta: Reunión del Ayuntamiento
October 11, 2010
7:00 PM

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, October 11, 2010 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

Miembros del Concejo Municipal presentes: Doug Gibson; Eugenio Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; y Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; Police Chief Bruce Marklin; Anne Gardner and Shane Hessey, Todd County Funeral Home; Wilmon Moore; and, Stephanie Craft, Todd County Standard.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Danny Laster gave invocation.

After reviewing the minutes of the September 13, 2010 meeting, bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Scott motioned to approve. Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp stated that the first item on the agenda was Mr. Ken Scott.  However, Mr. Scott notified the Mayor he would be out of town and could not attend.   

Mr. Wilmon Moore was present to discuss landlords responsibility for paying delinquent utility bills.  Mr. Moore stated paying delinquent bills cost him a lot of money last year and he feels the city needs to do something to notify the landlords sooner that delinquent bills are due.  There was discussion about the billing cycle and when meters are read and possibly speeding up the process.  There was also discussion that the city has already raised the deposit for renters by $50.00 to a total of $175.00 to cover delinquent bills.  Clerk Brock stated the property owner can also be sent a copy of a tenant’s final bill to let the owner know the service has been disconnected and what the remaining balance due is after the deposit has been applied.  Mr. Moore requested those be sent to him.  The billing cycle will also be reviewed by the city.  Mr. Moore thanked the mayor and council and left the meeting.         

Mayor Camp welcomed Shane Hessey and Anne Gardner from Todd County Funeral Home.  Mayor Camp stated the Funeral Home has agreed to annex the property located on West Main Street where the new Funeral Home will be built.  Shane Hessey has requested no fees for annexation, the city provide water and sewer taps at no charge, a fire hydrant installed adjacent to his property, and be allowed to install a sign immediately and begin construction before the annexation occurs with all construction prior to annexation being grandfathered in.  Mr. Gibson motioned to approve the request if Mr. Hessey will agree to annexation.  Motion seconded by Mrs. Sidebottom and carried unanimously.  Mr. Hessey thanked the council and stated he will work with Terry Frogue on what is required as far as city zoning requirements for construction, but he can not afford to delay construction waiting on the annexation procedure.  It was questioned if the city can connect the water and sewer in a timely manner.  Terry Frogue stated that an engineer will have to prepare plans for water and sewer and the state has to approve the plans before construction of the lines can begin.  Also, once the plans are approved, if the city contracts for construction of the water and sewer lines and the cost exceeds $20,000, by law it will have to be advertised and bid out.  Mr. Frogue stated we can not control things that are in the state’s hand, but that we will certainly do our part to speed up the process.
Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2010-10, “ORDINANCE AMENDING §92.03(D) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY REGARDING WEEDS AND GRASS.”  Mr. Powell motioned to adopt after second reading and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.

Mayor Camp reported that Ricchuite Enterprises agreed to pick up leaves for the City for the same amount as last year, $19,950.  After discussion, Mr. Jefferson motioned to hire Ricchuite Enterprises for leaf pickup at a cost of $19,950.  Motion seconded by Mr. Scott and carried unanimously.

Resolution 2010-4, “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY REGARDING 2010 KENTUCKY COMMUNITY DEVELOMENT BLOCK GRANT” was presented to the council.  Clerk Brock stated that Amy Frogue is preparing the grant application and that the city will need to provide a certified appraisal for the application.  Mrs. Sidebottom motioned to adopt the Resolution and seconded by Mr. Gibson.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.

Clerk Brock read Municipal Order 2010-2, “MUNICIPAL ORDER AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES.”  The Order will change the Employee Assistance Program provider to the City from Alliance Work Partners to The Pennyroyal Center in Hopkinsville.  After discussion, Mr. Jefferson motioned to adopt Municipal Order 2010-2 and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously.


Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Chief Marklin, who reported on the department activity in September and that all officers recently completed nighttime firearms training.  Chief Marklin reported that Mark Nichols has been hired as a part-time police officer.

Mr. Scott reported more vandalism at the park.  Fall soccer is over and youth football has begun.  Mayor Camp stated the Administrative Council voted to allow one of the football teams to travel to Christian County to play games with Christian County also coming to Elkton.               

Mr. Laster reported he met with Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue regarding much needed repairs to the sewer treatment plant.  Mr. Frogue reported one of the chemical mixers is down and has been repaired many times.  New aerators have been recommended as well.  The total cost of the repairs could be around $12,000.  The plant is near being in violation with the state, however the state is being patient and working with us as we try new equipment. After discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to authorize Terry Frogue to make the necessary repairs.  Motion seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously.  Frogue also reported two water main breaks this month that have been repaired.


The Pennyrile RC and D dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26th at 6:30 pm.  Mayor Camp requested the council let her know if they would like to attend so we can RSVP.

The Welcome Center is hosting a “Brunch with the Candidates” at the Historic Courthouse on Saturday, October 16th from 11 am to 1 pm.

Mayor Camp, Clerk Brock, Jimmy Scott and Danny Laster met with representatives from the LDS Church regarding church volunteers helping with the Park Improvement Grant Project.  The church is expecting 150 to 300 volunteers to help with the project.

Mr. Jefferson asked about a tire pickup.  Mayor Camp stated the county sponsored the pickup last year and she is unsure if they are going to do it again.    

Mr. Jefferson motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.
