September 13, 2010 Council Meeting Minutes

Acta: Reunión del Ayuntamiento
September 13, 2010
7:00 PM

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, September 13, 2010 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Cindy Sidebottom.

City Council members absent: Jimmy Scott.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; Police Chief Bruce Marklin; Robert Harris; Henry Snorton, Minority Economic Development Initiative of Western Kentucky; and, Ryan Craig, Todd County Standard.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Doug Gibson gave invocation.

After reviewing the minutes of the August 9, 2010 meeting, August 24, 2010 special meeting, bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve. Motion seconded by Mr. Powell and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp stated that the first item on the agenda was Mr. Henry Snorton with the Minority Economic Development Initiative of Western Kentucky.  However, Mr. Henry Snorton was not yet in attendance and the item will be addressed later.

Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2010-9, “AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE AD VALOREM TAX RATE UPON THE ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL ESTATE, PERSONAL PROPERTY, MOTOR VEHICLES AND WATERCRAFT WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY, FOR THE YEAR 2010.”  Mrs. Sidebottom motioned to adopt after second reading and seconded by Mr. Gibson.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.

Clerk Brock read first reading of Ordinance 2010-10, “ORDINANCE AMENDING §92.03(D) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY REGARDING WEEDS AND GRASS.”  Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve after first reading and seconded by Mr. Gibson.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.

Clerk Brock reported that the Green River Academy Preservation Society will be having a “Supper in the Cemetery” at Glenwood Cemetery on Saturday, October 16th.  The group will give a tour of the cemetery and actors will portray important people in our past that are buried in Glenwood Cemetery.  Then, there will be an informal chili dinner for the guests to tell stories and visit.     


Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Chief Marklin, who reported on the department activity in August.   

Mr. Laster called for a report from Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue.  Mr. Frogue reported a very busy month installing new water and sewer taps for several new businesses and the senior apartment addition.  All new water meters have been installed and are working very well.  Mayor Camp and Mr. Laster reported receiving thank you letters from A&A for contracting with them to help install the new meters.

Mr. Powell reported there were four fire runs made by the fire department since the last council meeting.

Mrs. Sidebottom reported that two large dead trees were removed from the cemetery.  They were in danger of falling and would have damaged several headstones if they had fallen.


Atmos Energy has had several gas leaks in the area.  They reported that this will happen until everyone starts using gas when the weather cools down.  Anyone who smells gas should call the number on their Atmos bill to report the smell.

Mayor Camp welcomed Mr. Henry Snorton from Minority Economic Development Initiative of Western Kentucky.  Mr. Snorton thanked the Mayor and council for allowing him to speak and presented them with a packet of information about the group.  He explained that his group is a nonprofit organization that used to be under the Chamber of Commerce and represents the First Congressional District of Kentucky.  The group is its own entity now and is run by a 22 member board of directors.  Among other things, they present workshops in the area to try to help small businesses.  Mr. Snorton requested that the City contribute $1,000 to help the efforts of the group.  After the presentation, the Mayor and council thanked Mr. Snorton and he left the meeting.

Mr. Harris asked about the lighting at the intersection of Highway 181 and 68/80.

Clerk Brock informed the council that the Wi-Fi internet access has been extended to the Fire Hall and the City-County Park.

Mr. Jefferson motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.
