The City of Elkton, Kentucky is accepting applications for the positions of Police Officer and Police Officer Recruit. A Police Officer is a sworn law enforcement officer, performs general police work in the protection of life and property, enforcement of laws and ordinances, investigation of crimes, etc.; performs related work as required; and must have successfully completed required basic training. The minimum starting pay for a Police Officer is currently $20.09 per hour including KLEFPF incentive pay, and other benefits including complete coverage of employee’s health, dental and life insurance, 14 paid holidays a year including birthday, take home car, and longevity bonus.
Police Officer Recruits are newly employed police personnel who have not completed the required basic training and shall serve in the Police Officer Recruit class until they have completed basic training (including required field training); after completion of required training, and subject to the recommendation of the Chief of Police, Police Officer Recruits may be promoted to the Police Officer classification. The minimum starting pay for a Police Officer Recruit is currently $18.38 per hour, with other benefits including complete coverage of employee’s health, dental and life insurance.
El oficial de policía y el recluta de oficial de policía deben poseer y mantener una licencia de conducir válida emitida por la Mancomunidad de Kentucky; deben cumplir con los requisitos físicos y psicológicos relacionados con el trabajo vigentes al momento del nombramiento, y deben aprobar todos los exámenes de calificación mental, psicológico y/o físico relacionados con el trabajo, incluidas las pruebas de detección del uso ilegal de drogas y alcohol que se requieren antes del empleo después de que se hace una oferta de empleo y durante el empleo en la ciudad.
Las solicitudes están disponibles en el Departamento de Policía de Elkton, 73 Public Square, durante el horario comercial habitual de 7:30 a. m. a 4:30 p. m., de lunes a viernes, llamando al Departamento de Policía al 270-265-9879 para solicitar una copia por correo electrónico o en
Envíe la solicitud y otra información solicitada a:
Ciudad de Elkton, Kentucky, Attn: Jefe Robert Toombs, PO Box 578, Elkton, KY 42220.
The City of Elkton reserves the right to reject any or all applications. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The City of Elkton is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Police Department Application CURRENT