Acta: Reunión Extraordinaria del Concejo Municipal
June 15, 2010
7:00 PM
The Elkton City Council met in special session on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding. The regular meeting scheduled for June 14, 2010 was cancelled.
Miembros del Concejo Municipal presentes: Doug Gibson; Eugenio Jefferson; Danny Laster; David Powell; Cindy Sidebottom; y Jimmy Scott.
Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; City Attorney John P. Kirkham; Judge Executive Arthur Green; Johnny Knuckles, B.R. Knuckles Insurance; Linda Marklin, Marklin Insurance; and, Jennifer Osborne, Todd County Standard.
Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and reminded everyone in attendance that only items on the agenda could be discussed.
1. Approve Minutes of May 10, 2010 Meeting
2. Approve Minutes of May 27, 2010 Special Meeting
3. Approve Bills Payable and Financial Reports
4. Judge Arthur Green – Alley Closings
5. Insurance Bids
6. KIA – Water Meter Project Pay Request and Update
7. 2nd Reading Ordinance 2010-4 – Adopting Annual Budget for FYE June 30, 2011
8. 2nd Reading Ordinance 2010-5 – Amending Annual Budget for FYE June 30, 2010
9. 2nd Reading Ordinance 2010-6 – Adopting Compensation Plan and Pay Scale
10. 2nd Reading Ordinance 2010-7 – Amending House Numbering Ordinance
11. Welcome to Elkton Signs
After reviewing the minutes of the May 10, 2010 meeting, Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve and seconded by Mr. Scott. Motion carried unanimously.
After reviewing the minutes of the May 27, 2010 special meeting, Mrs. Sidebottom motioned to approve and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously.
After reviewing the bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve and seconded by Mr. Gibson. There were no questions or discussion and motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Camp welcomed Todd County Judge Executive Arthur Green. Mr. Green presented a plat of the new Justice Center property, which showed two alleys running through the property that need to be closed. Construction of the new Center will begin shortly and the alleys need to be closed as soon as possible. Mr. Green stated there may also be a need to close the alley that runs between the Post Office and the Justice Center during construction. There was also discussion about closing the alley that continues behind the Community House. After discussion, Mr. Scott motioned to proceed with preparation of the ordinance and other paperwork to close the alleys that are on the Justice Center property. Mr. Laster seconded the motioned and carried unanimously. Mr. Green also stated he understands all costs associated with closing the alleys will be paid by the Justice Center project. Mr. Green thanked the council and left the meeting.
Mayor Camp informed the council that bids for insurance services for the city was received on Tuesday, June 1, 2010. A copy of a summary of all bids was presented to the council. After some adjustments were made to the bids for comparison purposes, the final quotes were: 1) Kentucky League of Cities (local agency Knuckles Insurance) – $85,517.00; 2) Lawton Insurance – $84,058.32; and, 3) Marklin Insurance – $81,298.00. Danny Laster, who served on the committee reviewing the bids, addressed the bids received and respective coverage. Mr. Knuckles addressed the council regarding a question of some coverage that might not be included in the KLC insurance plan. Mr. Laster stated that the committee recommends going with the bid received from Marklin Insurance. Therefore, Mr. Laster motioned to accept the bid submitted by Marklin Insurance. Motion seconded by Mr. Scott. Those voting in favor of the motion were Gibson, Jefferson, Scott, Laster and Powell. Voting opposed was Sidebottom. Motion carried. Mrs. Marklin thanked the council and stated her bid was through Traveler’s Insurance, a very reputable company with a division especially for the public sector. She feels the package they have put together covers all of the cities needs.
Clerk Brock presented a pay request from H.D. Supply for supplies and equipment received to date for the Radio Read Meter Project. The bill for H.D. Supply totals $94,104.46. Funds have been requested from KIA to pay these bills and should be received in the next few weeks. Clerk Brock stated that once funds are received from KIA, she would like to pay these bills from H.D. Supply. After discussion, Mr. Powell motioned to pay the bills when funding is received. Motion seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.
Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2010-4, “AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2010 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2011.” Mrs. Sidebottom motioned to adopt on second reading and seconded by Mr. Powell. Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.
Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2010-5, “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2009 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2010.” Mr. Gibson motioned to adopt on second reading and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.
Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2010-6, “ORDINANCE ADOPTING COMPENSATION PLAN AND PAY SCALE.” Mr. Powell motioned to adopt on second reading and seconded by Mr. Jefferson. Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.
Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2010-7, “ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 98 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY DEALING WITH HOUSE NUMBERING.” Mrs. Sidebottom motioned to adopt on second reading and seconded by Mr. Scott. Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.
Mayor Camp informed the council the new additions to the Welcome to Elkton signs on Highway 68/80 as proposed by the Elkton Community Alliance have been installed. Some adjustments to the lighting and installation of solar lighting at one sign will be completed soon.
There were no further items on the agenda, therefore Mr. Scott motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:45 PM.