

La forma de gobierno de la ciudad de Elkton se conoce como “Plan Alcalde-Consejo”. Este plan de gobierno consta de un ejecutivo electo, el alcalde, y un cuerpo legislativo electo, el Concejo Municipal. Hay seis miembros del Ayuntamiento.



Emily Carroll
Emily Carroll moved to Todd County during her time serving in the United States Army. Emily and her husband Josh have two children. She is the Preschool Ministry Director at Grace Community Church. She is also a substitute teacher for the Todd County School District. Emily volunteers her time with PTO, FCA, FRYSC, 4H and the Elk Fork Swim Club.

Correo electrónico: ecarroll@elktonky.com
Cell: 219.455.0733


John Mullins

Email: jmullins@elktonky.com
Cell: 270.604.4600


danny laster

Danny is a retired sales agent with AIG Insurance.  He is a 1972 graduate of Todd County Central High School and attended Austin Peay State University. Danny has served in the Boy Scouts as a Scoutmaster and also Committee Chairman. Danny has two children Daniel & Sherry. Danny and his wife Debbie have six grandchildren. In January 2025, he will begin his 12th term on the City Council.
Correo electrónico: papabear718@yahoo.com
Celular: 270.847.2039


Frank McReynolds

Frank cumple su quinto mandato en el Concejo Municipal de Elkton después de su elección inicial en noviembre de 2014. Es un reservista del ejército retirado con 37 años de servicio. Frank también forma parte del Consejo para Personas Mayores del Condado de Todd.
Correo electrónico: ff11@bellsouth.net

Celular: 270.772.7074
Hogar: 270-265-5492


George Orr

George was recently elected to serve his fourth consecutive term on the City Council, which will begin on January 1, 2025.  George is married to Dana Grace Orr and has two daughters. He is employed by the Todd County School Board Bus Garage.
Celular: 270.604.1130 


David Powell

David is a lifelong resident of Todd County and currently resides on Howard Circle with his wife Sue. David will begin serving his 12th term as an Elkton City Council member on January 1, 2025.
Correo electrónico: dapowell2@bellsouth.net
Celular: 270.604.0351



71 Plaza Pública
Apartado postal 578
Elkton, Kentucky 42220

Correo electrónico: ayuntamiento@elktonky.com

Teléfono: 270.265.9877
