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Reunión de la Junta de Aplicación del Código

marzo 15, 2018 @ 12:00 am

1. Roll call

2. Recognition and Appointment of Officer of the Regular Meeting

3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting

• October 26, 2017

4. Public Hearings Requested

• No Hearings Requested

5. Cases (No Hearing Requested and Did Not Pay Fine)

• Case #2018-001 – Dollar General Corp.
Citation #2017-074 – 110.06(A) Returns Required
1st Offense

6. Unfinished Business other than hearings

7. New business other than hearings

• Election of officers for 2018
• Introduction of Code Enforcement Officer in training, Justin Moberly
• HB 422 Updates

8. Announcements

9. Adjournment


marzo 15, 2018
12:00 a.m