Acta: Reunión del Ayuntamiento
August 9, 2010
7:00 PM
The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, August 9, 2010 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.
Miembros del Concejo Municipal presentes: Doug Gibson; Eugenio Jefferson; Danny Laster; David Powell; Cindy Sidebottom; y Jimmy Scott.
Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; Sergeant Rodney Moberly; Robert Harris; and, Jenni Osborne, Todd County Standard.
Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Jimmy Scott gave invocation.
After reviewing the minutes of the July 12, 2010 meeting, bills payable and financial reports, Mrs. Sidebottom motioned to approve. Motion seconded by Mr. Scott and carried unanimously.
Mayor Camp stated that the first item on the agenda was the Minority Economic Development Initiative of Western Kentucky. However, Mr. Henry Snorton had a scheduling conflict and could not attend.
Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2010-8, “AN ORDINANCE PERMANENTLY CLOSING TWO UNNAMED, UNIMPROVED ALLEYS LOCATED WITHIN THE TODD COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER PROPERTY.” Mr. Gibson motioned to adopt after second reading and seconded by Mr. Jefferson. Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.
Clerk Brock presented the final pay request for the KIA Water Meter Project in the amount of $25,769.75. This request includes final payment to HD Supply Waterworks in the amount of $22,769.75 and payment to Pennyrile ADD in the amount of $3,000.00 for grant administration. Terry Frogue reported that all meter supplies have been received and that almost all the new meters have been installed, including 900 meters and 25 retrofitted installs. Mr. Frogue would like to read meters in the next week before final payment is made to HD Supply Waterworks. Also, clerk Brock stated that KIA will also have to inspect the project. After discussion, Mr. Laster motioned to authorize final payment after next meter reading and appropriate inspections are made. Motion seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.
Mayor Camp recommended the reappointment of Matt Nittler to the Code Enforcement Board. Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve the recommendation and seconded by Mr. Powell. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Camp recommended the reappointment of Brigette Bishop to the Recreation Commission. Mr. Scott motioned to approve the recommendation and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk Brock read Municipal Order 2010-1, “MUNICIPAL ORDER AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES.” Clerk Brock stated that Paul Combs and Associated reviewed the city’s policies and procedures and recommended various changes. Laura reviewed the changes with the council, including the adoption of a drug free workplace policy. This policy includes drug testing procedures of employees and the adoption of an employee assistance program (EAP). Once this policy is certified by the state, the city will receive a 5% discount on our worker’s compensation policy. This discount will help pay for the random drug testing and the EAP. Mr. Combs also informed the city that the per diem payments made to the police officers should be taxed. Currently, each officer gets a check for $5.00 per day worked at the end of the month for uniform cleaning. There was discussion about continuing with payments but taking out taxes, contracting the cleaning out or reimbursing the officer for their expense when receipts are turned in. It was decided Clerk Brock will look at all possible options and present the cost at the next meeting. After further discussion, Mr. Powell motioned to adopt Municipal Order 2010-1. Motion seconded by Mrs. Sidebottom and carried unanimously by show of hands.
Halloween will fall on Sunday, October 31st this year. After discussion, Mr. Scott motioned to have trick-or-treat on Saturday, October 30th from 5 pm to 8 pm. Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously.
Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Sergeant Moberly, who reported the department had a total of 210 contacts and cases in July. Mr. Gibson reported he has had several complaints about speeding on Sunset Drive and Dunheath. Mayor Camp reported complaints at Dairy Queen. Sergeant Moberly will inform the department to patrol these areas more frequently.
Mr. Scott reported fall soccer is underway and that football will begin in about a month and a half after soccer is over. Relay for Life used the park last weekend, with the park donating the electric.
Mr. Laster thanked A and A Remodeling for helping the utility department install the new water meters. Mr. Frogue stated that between the new meter installation and repairs at the sewer plant, his department has been very busy.
Mr. Powell reported only one fire run since the last council meeting. Also, Cover All Coatings sealed the fire hall parking lot at a cost of $1,050.00. Two central air split units have been donated to the fire department. One may be used in the fire hall and another may be used elsewhere by the city.
Mayor Camp presented a request for contribution from the Todd County Industrial Foundation for the $10,000 in our current budget. Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve the contribution and seconded by Mr. Powell. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Camp informed the council that Elkton had an 81% participation rate on mail in forms for the Census.
The current unemployment rate in Todd County is 10.8%. Mayor Camp reported the rate at this time last year was 13.4%.
Mayor Camp reported a sink hole appeared in the city’s alley beside the Tobacco Patch in the parking lot. The hole was due to an old cistern, which was believed to have been used to store water for the fire department many years ago. The hole has been filled and repaired.
Clerk Brock reported she received a notice today from the state approving the city’s selection of an engineer for the South Streets Avenue Sidewalk Project. The city can now proceed with design of the project.
Sergeant Moberly reported problems with the street lights on the Square.
Mayor Camp called for comments from guests. Mr. Harris asked about the lighting at the intersection of Highway 181 and 68/80.
Mr. Gibson motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.