City of Elkton Notice of Public Hearing October 8 2020


Pursuant to KRS 132.027, the City of Elkton, KY will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 5:45 p.m., local time, in the Historic 1835 Courthouse Welcome Center, 1 Public Square, Elkton, Kentucky, to hear comments from the public regarding a proposed real property tax rate of $.249 per $100 valuation and proposed personal property tax rate of $.1682 per $100 valuation. As required by law, this includes the following information:

Tax Rate Per $100
Assessed Valuation
Preceding Year’s Tax Rate
and Revenue Generated
$ .249 (Real)
$ .1497 (Personal)
$ 161,248
$ 15,368
Tax Rate Proposed for 2020
and Expected Revenue
$ .249 (Real)
$ .1682 (Personal)
$ 169,622
$ 16,164
Compensating Tax Rate and
Expected Revenue
$ .241 (Real)
$ .1628 (Personal)
$ 164,172
$ 15,645
Revenue Expected from
New Real Property
$ .249 (Real) $ 2,468

Todos los ingresos que excedan los montos generados durante el año anterior se asignarán a todos los departamentos operativos de la ciudad, incluidos: Policía, Bomberos, Obras Públicas, Cultura y Recreación y Administración General. La Asamblea General de Kentucky ha exigido la publicación de este anuncio y la información que contiene.

Laura M. Brock
Secretario municipal/tesorero, Elkton, KY
