Elkton Trick-or-Treat Statement

Trick-or-Treat times in Elkton have been set for Saturday, October 31calle from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. The Elkton Police Department will be out and about during this time passing out free glow necklaces to children trick-or-treating in the area.

Due to COVID-19, we recommend everyone view the recommendations posted below from Kentucky Department for Public Health, which offers recommendations for safer trick-or-treating if you choose to participate, including placing individually wrapped candy outside on the porch, driveway, or table; clean hands before and after touching the wrapped candy; trick-or-treat in your own neighborhood. Do not travel to other Neighborhoods; and trick-or-treat in family groups and don’t congregate in large groups.

During any event or activity, Kentucky Public Health recommends wearing a face covering, sanitizing hands often, and maintaining six feet of distance from others.

KDPH Halloween Guidance

KDPH Halloween One Pager
