February 2, 2011 Special Council Meeting Minutes

Acta: Reunión Extraordinaria del Concejo Municipal
February 2, 2011
5:00 PM

The Elkton City Council met in special session on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Eugene Jefferson; Doug Gibson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; and, Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM and reminded the council only items on the agenda can be discussed.


1.    Sewer Line Extensions
2.    Water Lines
3.    Water Loss

Terry Frogue reported to the council that after the last council meeting he contacted the Division of Water to let them know the city would not be extending sewer down Commerce Street to Joey Wells’ property.  Frogue reported the Todd County Health Department is still denying Wells’ septic system permit because they are interpreting 401 KAR 5:002 to read that anyone within one mile of city sewer has to connect to the sewer line.  Mr. Frogue has been in contact again with Division of Water and Kentucky Rural Water to try to clarify this law.  Both legal departments are checking into this situation but it is unknown when we will have an answer.  The council was concerned that this is going to continue happening for every house built within one mile of the city.  Mr. Gibson stated that he spoke with Dilly Turner who owns property adjacent to Mr. Wells.  Mr. Turner is willing to annex all of his property that is not in the city limits from the Wells’ property to his property if the city runs the sewer line to Mr. Wells.  This will allow him to sell smaller lots in the future because city sewer is available.  Also, Mr. Frogue stated he spoke with Doug Rose, who owns all the property on Commerce Street.  Mr. Rose is willing to help pay for some of the sewer line on his property, possibly up to 1/3 of the cost.  Clerk Brock reminded the council we did include the cost of installing sewer down Commerce Street in the application for a low interest loan through KIA.  She was informed the Board will meet to discuss our loan application in March, instead of February.  After discussion, Mr. Laster motioned to run the sewer line down Commerce Street to the Wells’ property and annex all of the property that can be annexed.  Motion seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.  

Mr. Frogue reported that in the past when the city annexed property that contained water lines owned by Todd County Water District, the city would purchase the water lines at the depreciated cost.  Mr. Frogue would recommend purchasing the entire water line on B. White Road, which is approximately 1,600 feet.  The Water District has set a cost of the line at about $3.40 per foot.  The Water District would like to purchase part of a water line the city owns on Pond River Road that serves several of our out-of-town customers, which is approximately 600 feet of line.  So, the difference in this trade off would be a purchase of 1,000 feet of line at $3.40 per foot for a total of about $3,400.  Mr. Frogue also stated that we would be giving them five of our customers and we would be gaining four customers, so he estimates the value of one customer is about $1,000.  So, he thinks the city should pay no more than $2,400 for this purchase.  After discussion, Mayor Camp and Mr. Frogue will try to meet with Dr. George Brown, who represents the Water District, to come up with a fair agreement.

Mr. Frogue also reported on the water loss in the city, which is about 35%.  He stated the industry standard is about 15%.  We have already replaced all of the residential meters with new meters, all of the fire hydrants have been inspected and leaks repaired, and several small leaks have been found and repaired.  Water loss remains at about 35%, so he feels like some of the water loss is still in some of our larger meters.  The city has about 100 large meters that use approximately 33% of the city’s water usage.  Some of the larger meters are not very accurate until a lot of water runs through them at once.  So, for example, a large meter may not register water usage if faucets are turned on and off a lot.  There are newer more accurate meters on the market that register lower flow more accurately.  He would like to test some of our larger meters to see if any of them need to be replaced.  This will cost about $270 per meter tested.  Also, he would like to purchase about five 1” meters to install in the city so that five older 1” meters can be sent off for testing.  1” meters cost about $178.25 each.  After discussion, Clerk Brock and Mr. Frogue will see if these purchases are in the budget and if not a proposal will be presented to the council at the next meeting.  

Mr. Scott motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM.
