January 9 2012 Council Meeting

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, January 9, 2012 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

Miembros del Concejo Municipal presentes: Doug Gibson; Eugenio Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; y Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: John P. Kirkham, City Attorney; City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Police Chief Bruce Marklin; Donald Settle; Catherine Darnell, Todd County Standard; Marie Fainter, WHOP Radio; Dave Boucher, Kentucky New Era.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the pledge of allegiance. Mr. Jimmy Scott gave invocation.

After reviewing the December 12, 2011 council meeting minutes, December 27, 2011 special council meeting minutes, bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Scott motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp requested that Donald Settle and the Elkton Die Casting building be moved to the next item on the agenda. Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve the recommendation and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp and Clerk Brock reported to the council that Mr. Bill Rabold met with them and City Attorney John P. Kirkham to discuss the contract to abate the asbestos and clean the office portion of the Elkton Die Casting building. He stated that before that work could begin, the bay doors and vents in the foundry portion of the building needed to be closed off and sealed since this portion also contains asbestos that we are not abating. He projected this expense not to exceed $15,000. There was considerable concern as to why we were not informed this work needed to be done in the first place. Clerk Brock stated the only thing we were told was the doors that go from the office to the foundry needed to be shut, sealed and locked. Clerk Brock also informed the council that last week, she was notified by the state that they are prepared to perform a Phase II study of the entire property to test for other possible contamination. Clerk Brock and Mr. Kirkham held a conference call this afternoon with state officials to discuss the Phase II study and they were informed that the study could not be completed until the asbestos was abated in the entire building. The state officials also stated that if the city was not going to use the foundry that some contractors would come in and tear down the building and abate the asbestos in order to use the debris and metal. Mr. Kirkham also informed the council that the city had Mike Smith, Engineer with R.W. Parsons Engineering & Environmental Services, review Mr. Rabold’s testing report and bid submitted. Mr. Smith stated that all testing was done appropriately, but because the reports do not state how much asbestos is in the building, he could not give us an independent estimate of how much abatement should cost. After much discussion, it was the consensus of the council that because of the additional work Mr. Rabold unexpectedly presented and the new information from the state regarding abating the asbestos in the entire building, that the project should be rebid. Clerk Brock suggested hiring RW Parsons to prepare the bid specification. Ms. Sidebottom motioned to hire RW Parsons to prepare bid specifications to abate asbestos in the Die Casting property with four options: office portion only, foundry portion only, entire building and entire property. Motion seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously. Mr. Settle gave Clerk Brock a list of environmental companies, thanked the council and left the meeting.

Jimmy Scott updated the council on the progress of the City-County Park Improvement Project. Circle C Construction has completed approximately 65% of the project. There have been two additional change orders to include a larger heating and air unit and additional wiring. After discussion, Clerk Brock presented Pay Request Number Two to Circle C Construction in the amount of $32,492.62. Ms. Sidebottom motioned to approve and seconded by Mr. Powell. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp recommended the reappointment of Bryan Blount to the Planning Commission. Mr. Laster motioned to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp recommended the reappointment of Leona Bockweg to the Planning Commission. Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Scott and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp recommended the appointment of Charlotte Meyers to fill a vacant position on the Planning Commission. Mr. Laster motioned to approve the appointment and seconded by Mr. Gibson. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported a request from the Pennyrile Narcotics Task Force for our annual contribution of $608.50. Chief Marklin reported he spoke with Sherriff Joey Johnson, who is on the PNTF Board, who stated they have funding from the federal government for FY2012, however it is unknown if they will continue to be funded in the future. Chief Marklin stated the Task Force continues to assist the city in any drug related undercover work. After discussion, Ms. Sidebottom motioned to contribute $608.50 for FY2012. Motion seconded by Mr. Scott and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported that the county will sponsor a grant application through Pennyrile RC and D to clean out Elk Fork Creek, however the city will have to do all the work and provide a small match.

Clerk Brock updated the council on the South Streets Avenue Sidewalk Project. The engineers have resubmitted plans to the District Transportation Office again and they were returned for more corrections. Once the plans are approved, Clerk Brock can submit the bid packet to the state for approval to bid out the project.


Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Chief Marklin. Chief Marklin reported all the new radios purchased with the state grant are up and running. He also gave an overview of all activity by the department for the year 2011. There have been several break-ins in the last few months as well as trailers stolen.

Ms. Sidebottom reported Scotty’s would be in town in the next few weeks to repair the entrance to Glenwood Cemetery and repair some of the turns.


Mayor Camp reported that unemployment was down to 8% in Todd County last month.

There was no further discussion, therefore Ms. Sidebottom motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at approximately 7:55 PM.

