Acta de la reunión del consejo del 12 de julio de 2010

Acta: Reunión del Ayuntamiento
July 12, 2010
7:00 PM

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, July 12, 2010 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Jimmy Scott.

City Council members absent: Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; Robert Harris; and, Jenni Osborne, Todd County Standard.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Eugene Jefferson gave invocation.

After reviewing the minutes of the June 15, 2010 special meeting, Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve. Motion seconded by Mr. Powell and carried unanimously.

After reviewing the minutes of the July 7, 2010 special meeting, Mr. Powell motioned to approve. Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson.  Mr. Scott questioned action taken at the special meeting regarding closing alleys adjacent to the Justice Center property when the agenda stated “Alley Closings on Justice Center property.”  Mr. Kirkham advised that he felt it was permissible to leave this action in the minutes and that if there was any objection to speaking outside the meeting agenda it should have been brought up in the meeting.  Also, action on closing these alleys will have to be addressed again by ordinance so any objections could be brought up again at the reading of the ordinances.  Motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously.

After reviewing the bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Powell motioned to approve and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp stated that the first item on the agenda was the Minority Economic Development Initiative of Western Kentucky.  However, no one was in attendance representing this group.

Clerk Brock read first reading of Ordinance 2010-8, “AN ORDINANCE PERMANENTLY CLOSING TWO UNNAMED, UNIMPROVED ALLEYS LOCATED WITHIN THE TODD COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER PROPERTY.”  Mr. Gibson motioned to approve after first reading and seconded by Mr. Scott.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.

Clerk Brock presented pay request number two for the KIA Water Meter Project in the amount of $47,581.65.  This request has been approved by KIA and funds should be received to pay the bill to HD Supply in the next few weeks.  Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve the pay request and seconded by Mr. Powell.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported she spoke with Doug Boley about his property next to Steve Bailey’s building on North Main Street.  Mr. Boley stated he wanted $70,000 for his building.  After discussion, it was decided that the City should not purchase either of these properties.

Mayor Camp presented a letter of resignation from Keith Sharp for the Board of Adjustment.  Mr. Sharp has moved out of the city limits of Elkton.  After discussion, Mr. Scott motioned to accept the resignation and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously.

Clerk Brock presented a proposal from Thurman Campbell Group to prepare the FY 2010 audit for the amount of $16,500.  After discussion, Mr. Jefferson motioned to accept the proposal and seconded by Mr. Gibson.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.

Jimmy Scott presented the FY 2010 contribution request in the amount of $10,000 from the Recreation Commission.  He reported the park is doing well financially at the moment and he would recommend holding off making the contribution until the spring.  Mr. Laster motioned to wait on the Recreation Commission contribution and have them resubmit the request in the spring.  Mr. Powell seconded the motion and carried unanimously.


Mr. Scott continued with reporting on activities in the park, including that the baseball all stars recently played in a tournament in Trigg County.  Also, there has been more vandalism in the park recently.  Mr. Laster reported that he has received complaints from parents that the games starting at 5 pm in the park is too early.  Many parents say they can not get to the park that soon after work.  Mr. Scott will address this concern with the Recreation Commission.

Mr. Laster reported that the water loss in the city went up slightly last month.  Terry Frogue stated that while the crews are changing out the water meters, they are finding and repairing several leaks.  The crews are extremely busy with changing out meters and breakdowns at the sewer plant.  Terry has contracted with ToolTec of Elkton to make several repairs at the plant.  He has also contracted with A&A Remodeling to install water meters.  There is still work that needs to be done in Laster Trailer Park installing new street tiles and drainage lines.  Mr. Frogue stated he could use A&A Remodeling for a few more weeks if the council approves.  After discussion, Mr. Laster motioned to approve contracting with A&A Remodeling for three more weeks.  Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously.

Mr. Frogue reported that the city can sell the old water meters for scrap metal and get about $2.00 each.  However, there may be another city that might want to purchase the meters, have them tested and recalibrated to use them.  Mr. Laster motioned to authorize Terry Frogue to sell the old meters for as much as possible.  Motion seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.   

Mr. Powell reported on the large fire that destroyed the Todd County Funeral Home building.  Luckily, no one was severely injured with only one fireman receiving medical treatment for minor scrapes.  The department also lost about $400-500 worth of tools in the fire.  Fire Chief Cole is going to place an ad in the paper thanking the Sharon Grove and Trenton Fire Departments for their assistance, as well as all other police and rescue personnel that help while responding to the fire.

Mr. Powell received a request from Chief Cole to seal the parking lot at the Fire Hall.  Mr. Powell will get bids and report at the next meeting.


Mayor Camp reported the city has received complaints about gnats and mosquitoes in the cemetery.

Mayor Camp reported that Assistant City Clerk Vicki Hayden will be attending training next week to complete her necessary hours to become a Certified Kentucky Municipal Clerk.  Mayor Camp stated that in the past, all clerks who have received this training have received a $.75 per hour raise.  Mr. Jefferson motioned to give Ms. Hayden a $.75 per hour raise upon completion of her certification.  Motion seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp called for comments from guests in attendance.  Mr. Harris asked about the progress of the street lights he requested at the stop light on Highway 68/80.  The city is still working with the Kentucky Transportation Department to get this done.

Mr. Laster motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Powell.  Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM.
