June 14 2011 Special Meeting Agenda

1. Approval May 9, 2011 Council Meeting Minutes

2. Approval May 24, 2011 Special Council Meeting Minutes

3. Approval of Bills Payable

4. Pay Request – W. Jefferson Davis Hwy and Hwy 68/80 Sewer Extension

5. 2nd Reading Ordinance 2011-6 Amending Annual Budget for FY 2011

6. 2nd Reading Ordinance 2011-7Annual Budget and Appropriations for FY 2012

7. Additional Utility Department Employee

8. 1st Reading Ordinance 2011-8 Adopting Compensation Plan and Pay Scale

9. Municipal Order 2011-2 Amending Personnel Policies and Procedures

10. Resolution 2011-2 Approving and Authorizing Assistance Agreement with KIA

11. Commerce Street Water Line and Gas Line

12. Utility Department Surplus Property

13. Elkton-Todd County Park
  • Jeff Leavell Resignation
  • New Appointments to Recreation Commission
  • Concessions/Restroom Renovation Bids
  • Recreation Commission/Park Update

14. Resignation of Bill Gardner, Planning Commission

15. Burying Utility Lines and New Sidewalks on West Main Street

16. American General Life Insurance – Supplemental Insurance

17. Green River Academy – Second Annual Supper in the Cemetery
