400 Mile Sale and Elkton Yard Sale Days
Hundreds of yard sales, food vendors, and antique shops will participate in Kentucky’s annual 4-day yard-sale event along Highway 68 and 80 the first weekend in June. This year’s event will be held Thursday, June 5th through Sunday, June 8th, 2025 and also includes Highway 641 off of Hwy 68 and includes the towns of Paris and Puryear, Tennessee and Hazel and Murray, Kentucky.
Elkton, Kentucky will once again hold YARD SALE DAYS in conjunction with the 400 Mile Sale. Each year, nearly 30 or more yard sales are held in the City during the four-day sale and all reported selling a lot of stuff and having a wonderful time. The city of Elkton waives the Yard Sale permit fees during this event and the yard sale does not count towards your four day annual limit. A listing of the yard sales in Elkton will be available at Elkton City Hall, at the Welcome Center in the Historic Courthouse, on our Facebook Page, and online on this page the week of the sale. Register your Elkton Yard Sale on the 400Mile.com website below and you will also be listed on the main event page, too! If you want to be listed in the Elkton publication, you must register your Yard Sale by Friday, May 23rd.
If you have any questions about YARD SALE DAYS call Elkton City Hall at 270-265-9877 or e-mail cityhall@elktonky.com.
Register Your Elkton Yard Sale Here on the 400Mile.com Website
If you would like to host a Multi-Site and allow multiple people to set up for the 400 Mile Sale, you can register your multi-site HERE.
Local Businesses – Antiques, Gifts, Restaurants
Many of our local businesses also hold sidewalk sales and other specials during the 400 Mile Sale. Visit our business page for places to visit and shop!