Annual Spring Cleanup 2017

spring clean up logo sm

Elkton’s Annual Spring Cleanup is set to begin Monday, May 1, 2017 and go through Wednesday, May 3, 2017.  The Cleanup is free curbside pick up of large garbage and junk items (not regular household garbage).  It is open to residential customers only! 

Move items to the curb and the City will pick them up and dispose of them.  Items not to the curb by Wednesday, May 3rd will not be picked up.  Do not use any container you wish to keep.  

We CAN NOT pick up the following items: Any kind of batteries, electronics or TVs*, paint, Freon, shingles, tires, tree toppings or limbs, oil or gasoline, construction or demolition waste, or any other items deemed hazardous or harmful!  

Any senior citizens or disabled persons needing help moving items, please call City Hall at 270-265-9877 by Monday, May 1st.

*Note that electronics and TVs may be taken to the Garth Lane Convenience Center at your own expense.
