April 4 2012 Special Council Meeting

The Elkton City Council met in special session on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 at 5:00 PM at Elkton City Hall with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Terry Frogue, Utility/Street Superintendent; Catherine Darnell, Todd County Standard; Dennis O’Neil, Kentucky New Era.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.


1. Elkton Die Casting Property

2. Police Department Roof
3. Water Lines
4. Comprehensive Plan
5. Street Employees
6. Riverbend Subdivision Holding Pond

Clerk Brock informed the council that RW Parsons Engineering gave the city an estimate of approximately $5,200 to do a site visit of the Elkton Die Cast property. This expense did not include preparing bid specification to abate the asbestos. Therefore, she asked Rabold Environmental to amend their original bid to include only abating the asbestos in the entire building. The price submitted is $44,800.00. Rabold Environmental was the low bidder of abating the asbestos and cleaning the office portion of the building several months ago. The updated bid does not include any major cleaning. Clerk Brock stated that as soon as the asbestos is abated, the state is prepared to do a site visit and start a Phase I and Phase II study of the building to see if there is any other contamination. We will also need to hire someone to secure the building so that vandals cannot get in the building. After discussion, Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve the updated proposal from Rabold Environmental in the amount of $44,800.00 to abate the asbestos in the entire building. Motion seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported she received three proposals to put a new roof on the police department. Ray Nolan Roofing Company, $28,310.00; Matthews Construction, $10,184.00; and, Ronnie Greenfield Construction, $21,924.00. Mayor Camp stated that there were no specifications so each proposal is different. The lowest bid from Matthews Construction does not seem to include removing the old roofs or rotten materials as do the other bids. Clerk Brock stated that if we do not go with the Matthews Construction proposal, then the project will need to be bid out with set specifications. If we bid out construction, we will probably need to hire an architect or engineer to prepare the specifications. After discussion, Mr. Powell motioned to bid out installation of a new roof on the police department. Motion seconded by Mr. Laster. Voting in favor of the motion were Gibson, Jefferson, Laster, Powell and Sidebottom. Voting opposed was Scott. Motion carried.

Terry Frogue reported there have been several meetings to discuss separating water lines with the Todd County Water District in the last few weeks. He presented a map of the water lines and a draft proposal to present to the Water District. Several changes to the draft proposal were suggested. Mr. Frogue will make the changes and present the plan at the regular council meeting next week for approval. The plan will then need to be presented to the Water District for approval.

Mayor Camp reported that the city entered into an agreement with the University of Kentucky several years ago to complete a Comprehensive Plan. There was some work completed, however the final plan they turned into the city cannot be adopted. Craig Morris, Regional Planner, PADD, and Attorney Tim Butler, former President of the Kentucky Chapter of the American Planning Association, both reviewed the plan submitted by UK and both stated it does not meet the KRS requirements of a comprehensive plan. UK has stated they have completed their obligation to the city. A formal request for a refund has been sent to the University, but we have not yet received a refund or a response. In the meantime, a comprehensive plan needs to be prepared. PADD has submitted a proposal to prepare a plan in the amount of $14,500. Clerk Brock stated that Craig Morris informed her he will prepare the plan and submit it to the city. The city will not pay anything to PADD until it meets the city’s approval and is officially adopted. After discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to approve the proposal from the Pennyrile Area Development District in the amount of $14,500 to prepare a comprehensive plan. Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported that the city initially hired Raymond Williams on a part-time basis to water the flowers on the Square and empty the garbage containers. He was supposed to work 100 hours or less per month in order to not participate in the Kentucky Retirement System. However, he has taken on extra duties with the retirement of Larry Threlkel from sweeping the streets and other various jobs that need to be done. Clerk Brock stated he is averaging about 130 hours per month. So, the city will need to either lower his hours or begin participation in the Retirement System. After discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to continue using Mr. Williams at the current level and participate in the Retirement System. Motion seconded by Mrs. Sidebottom and carried unanimously.

Terry Frogue reported that Mr. Arland Overholt has completed construction of the holding pond in Riverbend Subdivision. The design engineer, Mr. Kndracki, has inspected the holding pond and stated it was not built exactly as designed, but that it should perform as necessary. The city agreed to take over the holding pond property after the design engineer signed off on the construction and when there was a good stand of grass in the basin. However, Mr. Overholt has also been growing crops in the basin and a stand of grass will not grow. Mr. Frogue stated he would like to send Mr. Overholt a letter telling him not to grow crops in order to let the grass grow. After discussion, Mr. Scott motioned to take over the holding pond property when the engineer signs off on the construction and when there is a good stand of grass. Seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously.

There was no further items on the agenda, therefore Mr. Laster motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Gibson. Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at approximately 6:05 PM.
