March 12 2012 Council Meeting

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, March 12, 2012 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Police Chief Bruce Marklin; Terry Frogue, Utility/Street Superintendent; John P. Kirkham, City Attorney; Tammy Sears, Teresa Wells, Rhonda Werner and Brittany Cansler, with Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society; Watson Ricchuite; Paul Hooke; and, Ryan Craig, Todd County Standard.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the pledge of allegiance. Council member Gibson gave invocation.

After reviewing the February 13, 2012 council meeting minutes, bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Laster motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Scott and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp welcomed everyone representing Relay for Life and introduced Tammy Sears to speak on their behalf. Ms. Sears reported this year there are only three teams for Relay for Life, while there were 10 last year and 15 teams the year before that. They would like to hold the event this year on Public Square on Friday, June 8th and they would like the Square closed to traffic from 6 PM until midnight. They will work with businesses on the Square and even ask them to stay open late during the event. Chief Marklin stated that the group will need to check with the state highway department on what regulations will need to be followed to close down the Square. Mayor Camp offered to help with any permits. After discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to allow Relay for Life to be held on the Square with traffic closed to the public from 6 pm to midnight on June 8th. Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously.

Clerk Brock stated that Elkton Bike Night will start back up on Thursday, April 5th. Last year, the council allowed vendors to set up in the alleys on the Square. There are really only two alleys that work, beside City Hall and beside Elkton Bank. Clerk Brock asked the council if they want to continue to allow vendors to set up in these two alleys. Mr. Scott stated the only issue he sees is that each vendor needs to be prepared to move all vehicles and trailers immediately from the alley in case of an emergency. After discussion, Ms. Sdiebottom motioned to allow vendors to continue setting up in the two alleys on Public Square during Bike Night. Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported the city accepted bids for cemetery maintenance on Thursday, March 8th, receiving the following three bids: H and H Lawncare – $37,595.00; Ricchuite Enterprises – $38,160.00; and, HF Lawncare Services – $38,000.00. Several council members stated that they were pleased with the services Ricchuite Enterprises has provided. After discussion, Mr. Jefferson motioned to accept the bid of Ricchuite Enterprises in the amount of $38,160.00. Motion seconded by Mr. Powell and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported the city also accepted bids for mowing services on Thursday, March 8th. The bid items for mowing services were: Item 1) Right-of-ways, 2) Fire Department, 3) Die Casting Front, 4) Die Casting Back, 5) Sewer Plant. The City received the following two bids per each item above: Ricchuite Enterprises – $980.00, $50.00, $85.00, $150.00, $240.00; and, Craig Berry Trucking, LLC – $1,995.00, No Bid, No Bid, $250.00, $250.00. There was discussion that some of the mowing of right-of-ways last year was not done in a timely manner and Mr. Laster presented pictures of tall weeds in some areas. Mr. Frogue stated the city needs to take care of mowing right-of-ways in a timely manner if we are expecting citizens to keep their properties mowed. After discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to accept the bid of Ricchuite Enterprises for mowing services. Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson. Voting in favor of the motion were Gibson, Jefferson, Scott, Powell and Sidebottom. Voting opposed was Laster. Motion carried. (Mr. Ricchuite left the meeting at this time.)

Resolution 2012-2, “RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE 2012 SOUTHERN PENNYRILE CHAMBER ALLIANCE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA,” was presented to the council. Mr. Powell motioned to adopt and seconded by Mr. Gibson. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported the city received a request for the annual contribution to Project Graduation at Todd County Central High School. The city usually donates $250.00 each year. Mr. Scott motioned to contribute $250.00 and seconded by Ms. Sidebottom. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported receiving a membership renewal notice from the Todd County Community Alliance. Clerk Brock stated the city joined last year at the Platinum Level contributing $1,000 to help support Elkton Bike Night, HarvestFest and other events in Elkton and Todd County. Mr. Gibson motioned to join at the Platinum Level again this year and seconded by Ms. Sidebottom. Motion carried unanimously.

Clerk Brock stated that she is the membership committee chair for the Alliance. The group would like to start promoting a “Shop Local” program in the county, encouraging local businesses to stay open late at least one night a month on the first Friday of every month, while also encouraging citizens to spend their money locally. They want to start this program in May and one local business suggested allowing farmers market and other small vendors, like in the old “trader days,” to set up around the old courthouse parking spaces. After discussion, it was decided that it would be best to let the vendors start setting up at 3 pm and closing down at dark. After discussion, Ms. Sidebottom motioned to allow vendors to set up in the parking spaces around the old courthouse during the “Shop Local” night once a month from 3 pm to dark. Motion seconded by Mr. Scott and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported AT and T will hold an announcement regarding 3G service in Elkton in the Historic Courthouse Welcome Center on Monday, March 19, 2012 at 9:30 am.


Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Chief Marklin. Chief Marklin gave an overview of all activity by the department last month.

Mr. Scott reported spring soccer has begun in the park. He also reported the Recreation Commission is considering asking the magistrates, council and other groups to volunteer in the concession stand this summer. Mr. Scott also reported the next phase of the Park Renovation Project will be to replace the small pavilion and the tennis court lights.

Mr. Laster reported that water loss last month was less than 12% and is averaging about 7% for the year. Mr. Frogue reported there will be a meeting with the Todd County Water District in the near future to discuss separating water lines. He also reported the building the city purchased on Allen Street will need some work done to it. The city will take possession of the building in April.


Mayor Camp reported the date for the Annual Spring Cleanup has been set for May 7th – 10th.

Mayor Camp hosted about 40 Girl Scouts in the Historic Courthouse Welcome Center this evening at 6 PM.

There was no further discussion, therefore Mr. Gibson motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at approximately 8:40 PM.
