February 13 2012 Council Meeting

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, February 13, 2012 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Police Chief Bruce Marklin; Terry Frogue, Utility/Street Superintendent; Brian Demps, Thurman Campbell Group; and, Catherine Darnell, Todd County Standard.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the pledge of allegiance. Chief Marklin gave invocation.

After reviewing the January 9, 2012 council meeting minutes, bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Scott motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously.

Mr. Joe Groves was not in attendance, so the Mayor went to the next item on the agenda.

Mayor Camp welcomed Brian Demps, Thurman Campbell Group, who presented the audited financial statements for FYE June 30, 2011. Mr. Demps stated the financial statements were given an unqualified opinion, the cleanest report possible. Mr. Demps reviewed financial highlights of the report. Mr. Demps expressed that if anyone had questions after they reviewed the report to please feel free to call him. Mayor Camp thanked him for the presentation and Mr. Demps left the meeting.

Jimmy Scott updated the council on the progress of the City-County Park Improvement Project. Circle C Construction has completed the renovation of the concession building except for a few items on the final punch list. After discussion, Clerk Brock presented the final Pay Request Number Three to Circle C Construction in the amount of $11,357.29, which is full payment. She stated this includes one change order requested by the city in the amount of $725.00 for a final total project cost of $60,697.91. Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve the final pay request pending completion of the final punch list items. Motion seconded by Mr. Powell and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp asked the council if they would like to hold the annual spring cleanup again this year. Watson Ricchuite has agreed to help with the project at the same cost as last year. After discussion, Mr. Jefferson motioned to hold the spring cleanup and to contract with Watson Ricchuite at the same cost as last year. Motion seconded by Mr. Scott and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported the cemetery maintenance contract will expire in April 2012. Mrs. Sidebottom reviewed the bid specifications and reported she has made improvements to the specifications to include removing the grass clippings from all stones, removing limbs on a weekly basis, setting flags for the grave markers in the winter months, securing the storage building, and keeping the fence rows free of debris. The maintenance contract will be bid out again and reported to the council at the next meeting for review.

Mayor Camp reported that she would like the council to decide if we need to bid out mowing right-of-ways again or if the city employees should do it. The city currently contracts with Ricchuite Enterprises. No action was taken.

Mayor Camp reported the Relay for Life will no longer be able to use the high school property for their annual event. They have asked if the event could be held on Public Square on Friday, June 5th and they would like the Square closed to traffic from 6 PM until midnight. Chief Marklin stated that the group will need to check with the state highway department on what regulations will need to be followed to close down the Square. After discussion, it was the consensus to ask a representative from Relay for Life to attend the next council meeting.

Mayor Camp reported that the roof on the police department is leaking. After research, the age of the roof is unknown and we know the roof was not replaced when the city purchased the building and renovated it back around 1997. Mayor Camp asked if the council wanted to put a new roof on the building. It was decided that we would get quotes from several companies and determine if it needs to be bid out or not.


Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Chief Marklin. Chief Marklin gave an overview of all activity by the department last month.

Mr. Scott asked if door-to-door salesman had to report to City Hall. Clerk Brock stated that all salesmen should have a business license and they should report everyone that would be going door-to-door to City Hall. He also reported that spring soccer will begin at the park in March.

Mr. Laster reported that the water loss for this fiscal year is averaging 6.2%.

Mr. Powell reported there was only a few fire runs since the last council meeting.


Mayor Camp reported the doors for the old courthouse should be completed in the next few months. She reported he is also making doors for the Community House and that the Community House will also be putting on a new roof.

Mayor Camp stated that we needed to fix the Elkton Die Casting building or drop it. Clerk Brock stated that Mike Smith of RW Parsons Engineering has been contacted about helping the city with this property and he wants to make a site visit. He is working on a cost proposal for the site visit.

Mayor Camp asked Terry Frogue (who entered the city council meeting after attending the school board meeting on behalf of the city) to update the council on the discussions with the Todd County Water District on separating the water lines. Mr. Frogue reviewed maps of the water lines and explained what the Water District is requesting. Mayor Camp and Mr. Frogue feel like the plan that Kentucky Rural Water presented to the two entities is the fairest. The plan the Water District has would cost the city approximately $300,000 just to separate the lines, add a booster pump to serve only three city customers. This is just not cost effective and it is uncertain why the Water District wants to force the city to do this. The Water District has stated they would purchase the 10” water line, but it is uncertain if the city wants to sell this line. The city constructed this line for about $110,000. The District also wants 8 of our customers and they would give us three, which is estimated to cost the city about $2,000 in revenue per year. There was no action taken.

Mayor Camp reported that she recently received traffic counts at the intersection of Highway 68 and Highway 181 in Elkton. Approximately 20,000 go through this intersection every day.

Mayor Camp recommended the council go into executive session under KRS61.810(c) for proposed or pending litigation. Mr. Laster motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously. Upon return from closed session, Ms. Sidebottom motioned to file for a declaratory judgment regarding cemetery lots owned by the Tom Shutts family. Motion seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported she received a notice from the state that the city must employ or contract with a local building and electrical inspector. There are various items that are supposed to be sent to the state by March 15, 2012. This item was turned over to Clerk Brock.

Mr. Gibson asked about the reason Mr. Joe Groves was supposed to attend. Mayor Camp stated that he has offered to sell his property on South Allen Street to the city for $40,000. After discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to purchase the property for $40,000. Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported the Bailey building on North Main Street has been rented to a new business beginning this month.

There was no further discussion, therefore Mr. Gibson motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at approximately 8:40 PM.
