June 14, 2011 Special Council Meeting Minutes

The Elkton City Council met in special session on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Eugene Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; Cindy Sidebottom; and, Doug Gibson. 

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; Robert Johnson; and, Jennie Osborne, Todd County Standard.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and reminded everyone that only items on the agenda could be discussed in special session.  The pledge of allegiance was said and Mr. Frogue gave invocation.

After reviewing the minutes of the May 9, 2011 council meeting, Mr. Powell motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.

After reviewing the minutes of the May 24, 2011 special council meeting, Mr. Scott motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously.

After reviewing the bills payable, Mr. Powell motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.

Clerk Brock reported she has received the first construction pay request for the West Jefferson Davis and Highway 68/80 Sewer Extension Project.  The project is approximately 77% complete according the payment estimate.  The request includes payment to McGhee Engineering for $8,550.00 and Garrison Construction Co. for $48,854.25 for a total of $57,404.25.  After brief discussion, Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve the request and seconded by Mr. Powell.  Motion carried unanimously.
Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2011-6, “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2010 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2011.”  Mr. Gibson motioned to adopt after second reading and seconded by Mr. Jefferson.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.

Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2011-7, “AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2011 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2012.”  Mr. Jefferson motioned to adopt after second reading and seconded by Mr. Scott.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands. 

Mayor Camp recommended that the city hire one additional employee to work with the utility department.  There is a lot of work that needs to be done and an extra employee will help the department get caught up. Mayor Camp has an application on file for someone with good skills and experience running heavy equipment that she would like to hire at $14.00 per hour.  The council questioned if this was higher than the normal starting wage and Mayor Camp said it was due, but because of his experience.  Clerk Brock stated the total cost to hire a new employee was about $49,000 at this rate of pay.  After discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to hire the new employee as recommended and seconded by Mr. Powell.  Motion carried unanimously.  Clerk Brock stated that this is a new position that is not in next year’s budget, therefore the budget will need to be amended.  After discussion, Mr. Laster motioned to amend the FY2012 budget to include the new employee and take half the cost out of the general fund and half the cost out of the water fund.  Mr. Gibson seconded the motion and carried unanimously.

Clerk Brock read first reading of Ordinance 2011-8, “ORDINANCE ADOPTING COMPENSATION PLAN AND PAY SCALE.”  Clerk Brock stated this is amending the pay scale to include a 2% cost of living increase.  Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve after first reading and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously.

Clerk Brock read Municipal Order 2011-2, “MUNICIPAL ORDER AMENDING THE PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURE.”  Clerk Brock stated this amendment will change the date for new employee eligibility for health and dental insurance to the first day of the month following 30 days of employment.  Mr. Laster motioned to adopt Municipal Order 2011-2 and seconded by Mr. Scott.  Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution 2011-2, “RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING AN ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY AND THE KENTUCKY INFRASTRUCTURE AUTHORITY” was presented to the council.  Mr. Powell motioned to adopt and seconded by Mr. Scott.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Frogue reported that ATMOS Energy will charge the city $4.33 per foot to install the gas line in the same trench as the water line extension on Commerce Street.  Mr. Frogue originally reported an estimated cost of $4.00 per foot for about 1,000 feet of line, which the council approved at a past meeting.  Also, Mr. Dilly Turner stated he would annex approximately 5 lots on B. White Road, but only if the city would extend the gas line an additional 875 feet to his property.  The total cost for this project is approximately $6,819.75 with the utility department providing all the equipment and labor while they are installing the water line.  The only additional cost would be if we hit rock at which time we would need to contract with someone to do the trenching.  Mr. Scott questioned why the city is installing the gas line.  Mr. Frogue stated that ATMOS energy currently does not extend lines for customers.  He also stated it will help make the area more attractive to growth and because Mr. Turner would like to annex five building lots if the city runs this line.  Mr. Frogue also reminded the council the city would receive a rebate of about $866 from ATMOS for each customer that connects to this line since we paid for installation.  After discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to run the gas line with the water line.  Motion seconded by Mrs. Sidebottom.  Voting in favor of the motion were Gibson, Jefferson, Laster, Powell, and Sidebottom.  Mr. Scott abstained.  Motion carried.

Mr. Frogue reported the city owns approximately 2,000 feet of 6” ductile pipe that was left over from the sewer plant upgrade project.  At first he thought we might use it for the Commerce Street water line, however it is not the best type of pipe to use and we could probably sell the pipe and purchase less expensive PVC, which will last longer than ductile.  After discussion, Mr. Laster motioned to declare the ductile pipe surplus property and sell it.  Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously. 

Also regarding surplus property, Mr. Frogue reported sealed bids were received on June 10, 2011 for the sale of surplus old radio read water meters, handheld meter readers with wands and two large scrap metal items.  Regarding the water meters, Josh Costello withdrew his bid of $6.29 per meter leaving the high bidder as Adams Surplus at $5.25 each.  Mr. Jefferson motioned to accept the bid of Adams Surplus, seconded by Mr. Powell and carried unanimously.  The city received two bids of $200.00 for the large scrap metal items.  Mr. Frogue suggested rejecting these bids because the city will be hiring a crane in the next few weeks and we could load these items up and sell them ourselves and probably make more money.  Mrs. Sidebottom motioned to reject the two bids and seconded by Mr. Scott.  Motion carried unanimously.  Adams Surplus was the only bidder for the two handheld meter readers and wands at $20.00 each.  Mr. Frogue requested this bid be rejected because they are worth more.  Mr. Laster motioned to reject the bid for the meter readers and wands and seconded by Mr. Gibson.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported she received a letter of resignation from Jeff Leavell from the Recreation Commission.  Mr. Jefferson motioned to accept the resignation and seconded by Mr. Scott.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Mayor Camp recommended the appointment of Bridgette Robinson to the Recreation Commission.  Mr. Scott motioned to accept the recommendation and seconded by Mr. Powell. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp recommended the appointment of Jeff McKinney to the Recreation Commission.  Mr. Scott motioned to approve and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mr. Scott reported the city received sealed bids for the renovation of the concession/restroom building at the park as a part of the Park Improvement Project on June 10, 2011.  The following bids were received:

1. Haley Construction $56,500.00
2. NAI Construction  $69,653.00
3. Circle C Construction $38,303.33
4. Carter Douglas Company $47,000.00

Mr. Scott stated the bids varied quite a bit and he feels there may be too many changes that will need to be made to make the bids fair.  He and Judge Greenfield met to review the bid specs and bids received.  After discussion, Mr. Scott motioned to reject all the bids and wait and re-bid the project in the fall.  Motion seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously. 

Mayor Camp reported she received a letter of resignation from Bill Gardner of the Planning Commission.  Mr. Scott motioned to accept the resignation and seconded by Mr. Powell.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported that she and other city officials met with Justice Center Project officials, Community House Board members and utility companies to discuss burying utility lines and installing new sidewalks from Public Square down to North Streets Avenue beside the Community House.  The estimate for just burying utility lines was about $750,000.  Funding for this project is being discussed but may be too expensive.

Mayor Camp reported that Karen Martinez of American General has requested meeting with city employees to discuss insurance programs she has available.  Clerk Brock stated we have requests from insurance companies all the time to meet with employees and it is hard to accommodate everyone.  She suggested having an “insurance fair day” where all the companies come one day per year to discuss insurance plans with employees.  After discussion, Mr. Laster motioned to allow American General to meet with employees on their own time.  Motion seconded by Mr. Powell and carried unanimously.

Clerk Brock informed the council the Green River Academy is holding another “Supper in the Cemetery” event in Glenwood Cemetery on Saturday, June 25th.     
There were no other items on the agenda, therefore Mr. Gibson motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at approximately 8:05 PM.
