March 23, 2011 Special Council Meeting

Minutes: City Council Special Meeting
March 23, 2011
5:00 PM

The Elkton City Council met in special session on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Eugene Jefferson; Doug Gibson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; and, David Powell.

City Council members absent: Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; John P. Kirkham, City Attorney; Catherine Darnell, Todd County Standard; Magistrate Alfred Blake; Garth Camp; Donald Settle; and Doug Boley. 

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM and reminded the council only items on the agenda can be discussed.


1.    Elkton Die Casting Property / Training Center

Mayor Camp welcomed all guests and gave the floor to Donald Settle to discuss the possibility of using the Elkton Die Casting property for an adult training facility.  Mr. Settle stated he and Garth Camp have looked at the building and are working on estimates to rewire the building, since vandalism has destroyed much of the wiring.  He and others, including Doug Boley, are ready to start cleaning up the building and using it as an adult training and retraining facility offering classes in machine work, welding, electrical, interview skills, resume writing and more.  The group would only ask the city to pay for the electric bill, which he estimates would just be the base rate.  Pennyrile Electric may require a five year contract since the building needs three phase service, however this may be waived since this will be a nonprofit, job creating project.  Mr. Settle thinks a lot of the work to get the building cleaned up would be donated, but if there are funds that are needed he will have to come to the city and it would need to be worked out then or the project could be stopped.  There was also discussion about liability insurance and who would be responsible for the volunteers and students.  Mr. Kirkham informed the group that there is an environmental covenant on a portion of the outside of the property.  There was considerable discussion that the inside of the building needs to be tested for any possible contamination.  Mr. Kirkham stated the city has discussed using the engineering firm that helped develop the plan to clean up the outside of the building for any future clean up efforts.  Mayor Camp stated that it has been advised that the city clean up the inside of the building first and then have the inside tested.  Mr. Settle and Mr. Boley stated they would be willing to help clean the building, however there was discussion about needing the building cleaned by a professional in case there was contamination.  Mr. Settle stated that it may take a year to get the building ready for use, but we have to start somewhere.  He also stated that he may start looking for another building and believes that a training center should be centrally located near Elkton.  Everyone expressed that this is a great project and supports the idea.  Mayor Camp suggested everyone continue working on this project and the city will hold another meeting when we know more about what it will take to clean and inspect the building.   

There were no other items on the agenda and therefore Mr. Laster motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Gibson.  Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at 6:00 PM.
