KIA Water Meter Project

The City of Elkton received $175,000 in funding through the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority (KIA) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to install new radio read water meters in the city.  The city will also install two master meters to help find water loss.  Approximately 50% of the funding will be grant funds with the remaining 50% loaned to the city at 1% interest over twenty years.

Installation of the new meters will increase efficiency in the meter reading process and will allow the utility department to read meters by simply driving the city and gathering readings through radio signals.  The meter reading process will be reduced from approximately 25 hours per month to 5 hours per month, saving the city time and money.  Also, the city can read the meters several more times a month to help customers find water leaks, saving them money as well. 

August 2010 – almost all of the meters in the city have been changed out or retrofitted with a radio antenna. 

September 2010 – all meters have been installed or retrofitted with a radio antenna.  All equipment and supplies have been received and the project is closed. 
