City Receives Funding for Several Projects


Pond River Road Resurfacing Project

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet agrees the resurfacing of Pond River Rd. from 68/80 to North Main Street is a worthwhile project and is willing to reimburse the City of Elkton up to $62,000 in state contingency funding (FD39) for the completion of the project. Resurfacing will begin sometime in the spring of 2016. The City of Elkton is very appreciative to Representative Martha Jane King for her leadership in facilitating the acquisition of these state funds for Elkton.


Elkton Sidewalks Project

Former Governor Steve Beshear committed to allocate $120,000 from the federal Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) for a sidewalk on West Main from the Dairy Queen to across from the Dollar General Store. This extension of our sidewalks will make Elkton a safer community, connecting all areas of town to the outer business district. The undertaking of this project will begin in the spring of 2016. The City of Elkton is very grateful that the former Governor recognized this as a worthy project and assigned the funds to our city.
