Comprehensive Plan Public Involvement Meeting


Elkton Planning Commission (November 20, 2012):

The Elkton Planning Commission is holding a public input and information meeting to obtain feedback from the residents of the City on infrastructure and community development issues as part of the process of updating the Elkton Comprehensive Plan. This meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM at the Old Courthouse located on the square in Elkton. The public is welcome to come anytime during this one hour period to view draft maps that have different infrastructure projects and issues that could affect community development. Surveys will be passed out to obtain feedback from the public on various infrastructure projects and different community development ideas.

One of the issues that will be surveyed is highway infrastructure projects in and around the City. The Planning Commission has tentatively identified several proposed projects that are in a very early concept stage and the Commission would like to get public input into what projects the community feels are the most important. The public will have the opportunity to rank the projects that have already been identified, as well as propose new projects they feel need to be examined. One of the new highway projects that are being explored as a possibility is a new Southwest Connector Route that would connect US Bus. 68 west of the City (near Davis Mill Rd) to KY 181 just south of the High School. This project has been proposed to reduce traffic congestion around the square during peak morning and after school traffic flow times, as well as provide a better truck and school bus route between west US Bus 68 (West Main St.) and KY 181 south (South Main St).

Since the last Comprehensive Plan was developed, FEMA has identified the 100 year Flood Plain in and around the City. One of the maps on display at the meeting will show the recently identified Flood Plain of the Elk Fork River. One of the survey questions will request public input regarding whether the Planning Commission should restrict the construction of new homes and other buildings inside this Flood Plain, as well as restrict infill projects that could push flood water onto other adjacent properties. New regulations, if any, would only be proposed inside the City Limits and not in the unincorporated areas of the county.

There will be other infrastructure and community development ideas and concepts surveyed at this meeting. The public will be given a Survey upon arrival and there will be several stations with maps that will have one or two members of the planning Commission and/or Council members at that station. The public will be able to move from one station to another and ask questions that are relevant to the different infrastructure or community development concepts. There will be no formal presentation to the entire group. The meeting is designed to allow the public to come and go any time between 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM and get questions answered in an informal setting as they move from Map Station to Map Station. Everyone will be encouraged to fill out a survey before they leave that ranks projects and asks for various kinds of input.

The Planning Commission and City Council would like to get the community’s thoughts on the best projects and strategies needed to move the city forward.
