December 12 2011 Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes: City Council Meeting
December 12, 2011
7:00 PM

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, December 12, 2011 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; and, Cindy Sidebottom.

City Council members absent: David Powell.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; Police Chief Bruce Marklin; and, Catherine Darnell, Todd County Standard.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the pledge of allegiance. Mr. Danny Laster gave invocation.

After reviewing the minutes of the November 14, 2011 council meeting, bills payable and financial reports, Mrs. Sidebottom motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.

Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2011-13, “AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING 6.049 ACRES OF UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF ELKTON, AND ESTABLISHING ZONING FOR THE NEWLY ANNEXED AREA (DILLY TURNER, AND JOEY WELLS PROPERTY).” Mr. Scott motioned to adopt after second reading and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried by unanimous show of hands.

Clerk Brock and Jimmy Scott updated the council on the progress of the City-County Park Improvement Project. Circle C Construction has completed much of the block work and has installed some of the plumbing in the concession/restroom building. After discussion, Clerk Brock presented Pay Request Number One to Circle C Construction in the amount of $16,848. Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve and seconded by Mr. Gibson. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported the new police vehicle that is in this year’s budget has been purchased and received. Therefore, the Police Department has requested the 2003 Ford Crown Victoria be declared surplus property. Chief Marklin reported the Todd County Jail would like to purchase the vehicle for $1,000. He has removed the lights from the vehicle so that we can use them in the future. After discussion, Mr. Scott motioned to declare the 2003 Ford Crown Victoria surplus property and seconded by Mr. Jefferson. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gibson motioned to sell the vehicle to the Todd County Jail for $1,000. Ms. Sidebottom seconded the motion and carried unanimously.


Mr. Gibson reported the paving in Glenwood and Elkton Cemeteries has been completed.

Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Chief Marklin, who reported department activity last month. He reported the department voted to leave the older Ford Explorer parked at the Police Department in case of bad weather.

Mr. Laster reported the water loss last month was 1.6%. Comparing the last 9 months to the same 9 months last year, finding the water loss has saved the water department about $72,000. Mr. Frogue reminded the council that the industry standard for water loss is 15%, so it is best not to expect the water loss to stay that low. Mr. Frogue also reported that Gary Larimore, Executive Director of Kentucky Rural Water Association, came down and met individually with Mr. Frogue and John Haley, Todd County Water District, to help find a solution to separating the two entities water systems fairly. Mr. Larimore then met with other KRWA staff and attorneys and came up with a proposal, which has been sent to the City and Water District for review. Mr. Frogue briefly explained the proposal and stated he does not know if the Water District has reviewed the proposal yet, but he will update the council on the progress of discussions.

Ms. Sidebottom stated the paving in the cemetery is complete, but there needs to be some additional work on the main entrance. There was also some discussion about one of the turns in Glenwood being repaired.


Mayor Camp asked Chief Marklin if there is a problem with synthetic drugs in our community, in particular items like herbal supplements, bath salts, etc. She stated that many cities are passing ordinances against selling them. It was discussed that it would be hard to pass laws selling these items because most of them have a legitimate use, but are being used improperly. The city may take a look at some ordinances other cities are passing.

Mayor Camp reported on some of the issues the Kentucky League of Cities will be taking up in the next legislative session. Some of those items are: 1) Relief for Hazardous Duty Retirement; 2) Pill mills; 3) Classifications of cities; 4) Restaurant tax reform; 5) More revenue for 911 services due to more people using cell phones instead of land lines; 6) Requiring banks to file deeds on abandoned properties; 7) Allowing counties to vote on Right to Work status.

Clerk Brock informed the council her assistant clerks have worked really hard to map all the cemetery lots in Glenwood Cemetery. They have visited almost all the lots in Glenwood, which is about 6,000 lots, to record all determents, birth dates and dates of death from the markers. There is still some work to be done in Elkton Cemetery.

There was no further discussion, therefore Mr. Laster motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Gibson. Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at approximately 7:30 PM.
