July 7, 2010 Special Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes: City Council Special Meeting
July 7, 2010
6:00 PM

The Elkton City Council met in special session on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Jimmy Scott.

City Council members absent: Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; City Attorney John P. Kirkham; Judge Tyler Gill; County Attorney Mac Johns; Circuit Clerk Mark Cowherd; Attorney Ken Dillingham; and Justice Center Architect Keith Sharp.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and reminded everyone that only items on the agenda could be discussed.


1. Alley Closings on Justice Center Property
2. Code Enforcement Board Appointment – Stephanie Sharp
3. Board of Adjustment Appointment – Scott Murphy
4. Floyd Bailey Building on North Main Street
5. Police Manual Update

Mayor Camp welcomed all guests in attendance that were present representing the Justice Center Board. Architect Keith Sharp presented a map of additional alleys that the Justice Center Board would like closed. One alley runs adjacent to the current Post Office (North Weathers Lane) and the other alley is an extension of an unnamed alley running behind the Post Office property. Mr. Sharp also reviewed the site plan for the Justice Center and showed that the plans are to keep the alley that runs beside the Post Office open as an entrance for them to access the rear of their building and for the drop off mail boxes. Other businesses will also be able to use this entrance as an access for the back of their buildings as well. Mr. Sharp feels this plan will actually improve access to the Post Office and its customers. Mr. Kirkham and Mr. Johns discussed that all property owners abutting these alleys would need to provide signed notarized consent to close the alleys. Judge Gill suggested that the County offer to provide permanent easements to all abutting property owners to use the entrances to access their properties as they currently are doing. Also, Judge Gill suggested that if the Post Office property owners will not consent to the alley closing adjacent to their property, that only the northern portion of the alley that abuts the county property be closed. It was the consensus of the council that all alleys be closed if possible. After discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to authorize Mr. Kirkham to work with the County to close the alleys as needed. Motion seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously. (All in attendance representing the Justice Center board thanked the council and left the meeting.)

Mayor Camp recommended the appointment of Stephanie Sharp to the Code Enforcement Board. Mr. Scott motioned to approve the recommended appointment and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp recommended the appointment of Scott Murphy to serve on the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Powell motioned to approve the appointment and seconded by Mr. Jefferson. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp informed the council that Mr. Steve Bailey has offered to sell his property on North Main Street to the city. There was discussion regarding the other vacant properties that border Mr. Bailey’s building, which are both owned by Doug Boley. After discussion, the council requested Mayor Camp contact Mr. Boley to discuss purchase of the old implement property beside the Bailey property. The information will be presented at the next council meeting.

Mayor Camp reported the Police Department personnel all successfully completed Taser training.

There were no further items on the agenda, therefore Mr. Laster motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Gibson. Meeting adjourned at approximately 6:45 PM.
