June 12 2012 Special Council Meeting

Minutes: Special City Council Meeting
June 12, 2012
7:00 PM
The Elkton City Council met in special session on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 7:00 PM at Elkton City Hall with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.
City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Cindy Sidebottom.
Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Terry Frogue, Utility/Street Superintendent; Darrin Cole, Fire Chief; Jeff Traughber, City Attorney; Megan Sisco, Todd County Standard; Carla Jiminez, Kentucky New Era; and, Adam May, WHOP Radio.
Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and reminded everyone only items on the agenda could be discussed.
1.       Pledge of Allegiance
2.       Invocation
3.       Approval of minutes, bills payable and financial reports
4.       2nd Reading Ordinance 2012-2 – FY2012 Budget Appropriations Amendment Ordinance
5.       2nd Reading Ordinance 2012-3 – FY2013 Budget Appropriations Ordinance
6.       1st Reading Ordinance 2012-4 – Adopting Pay Scale
7.       Police Department Roof Replacement Bids
8.       Fire Department Equipment Bids
9.       Waterline Separation with Todd County Water District and Territory Boundaries
10.    City-County Park Improvement Project
11.    City-County Park Independence Day Celebration
12.    Adjournment
Mayor Camp led the Pledge of Allegiance and Mr. Scott led invocation.
After reviewing the minutes of the May 14, 2012 council meeting, minutes of the May 24, 2012 special city council meeting, bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Scott and carried unanimously.
Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2012-2, “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2011 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2012.”  Mr. Gibson motioned to adopt after second reading and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.
Clerk Brock read second reading of Ordinance 2012-3, “AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2012 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013.”  Mr. Powell motioned to adopt after second reading and seconded by Mr. Scott.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.
Clerk Brock read first reading of Ordinance 2012-4, “ORDINANCE ADOPTING PAY SCALE.”  Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve after first reading and seconded by Mr. Gibson.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.
Mayor Camp reported that the city received bids for the replacement of the roof on the Police Department.  Clerk Brock stated that bids were received on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at 2:00 PM with the following bids received:
1.       Matthews Construction              $23,188.00
2.       Ray Nolan Roofing                    $31,330.00
Patrick D. Murphy Co., Inc., Architects has reviewed the bids and has recommended accepting the bid of Matthews Construction.  After discussion, Mr. Jefferson motioned to accept the bid of Matthews Construction in the amount of $23,188.00 and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Powell and Fire Chief Cole reported bids were received for the Kentucky Homeland Security Grant Project for the purchase of turnout gear and SCBA devices with the following bids received:
Company                                                                         Coats                  Pants               SCBA
1.       Fire Department Services and Supply       $683.00             $494.00           $4,000.00
2.       Bluegrass Fire Equipment                           $735.00             $395.00           $4,199.00
3.       Fire-Storm, Inc.                                              None                  None                $4,900.00
The grant project was for the purchase of 10 coats, 10 pants and 2 SCBAs.  Since the total grant is for $25,000, the city could purchase two additional SCBAs based on the bids received.  Fire Department Services and Supply said they would decrease the price of the SCBAs to $3,750 each if we purchased two more.  Therefore, Mr. Cole and Mr. Powell recommended accepting the bid of Fire Department Services and Supply for the purchase of 10 coats, 10 pants and 4 SCBAs for a total of $26,770.00.  Mr. Powell stated the additional cost to the city in the amount of $1,770.00 is in the budget.  After discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to approve the recommended purchase and seconded by Ms. Sidebottom.  Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Frogue reported that Superintendent John Haley of the Todd County Water District has requested the city respond to the District’s proposal for separation of water lines so that each system would be operated separately.  He stated that if we do not respond to their request after tonight’s meeting, then they will ask Gary Larimore from Kentucky Rural Water to inform us of the Water District’s rights, which Mr. Frogue stated we already have in writing from Mr. Larimore.  Also, the Water District wants to install two 2” master meters to measure the water flowing in the county lines to city customers.  The Water District will charge the city $6.00 per 1,000 gallons as a distribution fee.  Mr. Frogue stated the city needs 6” meters in order to provide fire protection.  There was much discussion on if the county should install the 6” meters or the city should install them.  There is also discussion regarding a customer on Davis Mill Road who is in the city limits and requested water service from the city.  However, the Water District has a line on Davis Mill Road approximately 40 feet away.  The city has a line on West Main Street about 100 feet away, therefore the Water District claims them as a customer.  However, Mr. Traughber has found case law that states because that portion of Davis Mill Road is maintained and owned by the city, the Water District will need the city’s permission to cross the street.  Mr. Haley has informed Mr. Frogue that if the city serves that customer the city will receive a letter from the Water District attorney and that it will hurt water line separation negotiations.  After much discussion, Ms. Sidebottom motioned to agree to the customer trade proposed with the city receiving 7 customers on Moe Lane and 3 customers on Johnson Lane from the Water District and the Water District receiving one customer on B. White Road and 5 customers on Pond River Road from the city and authorizing Mr. Frogue and Mr. Traughber to negotiate all other terms to be approved at the next council meeting.  Motion seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously.     
Mr. Scott updated the council on the City-County Park Improvement Project.  The small pavilion has been removed and a new larger pavilion with new concrete pad has been installed by Greenfield Construction.  They also installed a new metal roof on the concession/restroom building and on four dugouts.  The only items remaining to close out the project is the installation of new lights on the tennis courts, installation of new toddler playground equipment and new swing seats.  Mr. Laster stated people are complaining about the no smoking policy not being enforced in the park.
Mayor Camp reported that Knuckles Insurance and Heritage Bank are once again sponsoring a fireworks show to celebrate Independence Day on Tuesday, July 3rd at Todd Central High School.  Clerk Brock stated that the Todd County Community Alliance will be sponsoring a free children’s area and free live music beginning at about 6 PM.  The City-County Park Board will be selling drinks and glow items with several other nonprofits and school groups also selling food.
There was no further items on the agenda, therefore Mr. Laster motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Scott.  Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM.