May 9, 2011 Council Meeting Minutes

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, May 9, 2011 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Eugene Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; Cindy Sidebottom; and, Doug Gibson. 

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; Police Chief Bruce Marklin; Sandra Johnson; Robbie McLellan and Jen Harris, Todd County Health Department; and, Jenni Osborne, Todd County Standard.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Mr. Jimmy Scott gave invocation.  Mayor Camp welcomed and introduced all of the guests in attendance.

After reviewing the minutes of the April 11, 2011 regular council meeting, bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve. Motion seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp introduced Jen Harris and Robbie McLellan with the Todd County Health Department to discuss the permit requirements for food vendors setting up at Bike Night and other events.  Mr. McLellan passed out information on the permit requirements for temporary vendors and the regulations they are required to follow.  If the vendor is temporary and not in a permanent structure, the permit is good for 14 consecutive days at one location and they can not return to that location until 30 days after the permit expires.  This is why the food vendors that set up during Bike Night have to move locations after 14 days.  Some temporary vendors have sinks and proper hand washing facilities to allow a statewide annual permit, however they still have to follow the 14 day rule.  There was much discussion about interpretation of the regulations.  Mrs. Harris stated they have contacted that State Food Services Branch to ask for clarification and they affirmed that Mr. McLellan is enforcing the rules correctly, but she invited anyone to contact the state to discuss the rules.  After discussion, the Mayor and council thanked Mrs. Harris and Mr. McLellan for attending the meeting.  
Mayor Camp requested the council amend the agenda to allow Mrs. Sandra Johnson to go next on the agenda.  Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve and seconded by Mr. Gibson.  Motion carried unanimously.  Mrs. Johnson sent a letter to each council member and the Mayor to complain about a neighbor who put up a security light that is close to her property line and shines through a window in her house.  She expressed concern that neither the city nor Pennyrile Electric has any regulations regarding shining light on other people’s property.  After much discussion, Mayor Camp stated she will ask the Planning Commission to consider this topic and discuss possible regulations.  Mr. Powell stated that he will talk to the neighbor.

Clerk Brock read first reading on Ordinance 2011-5, “AN ORDINANCE ENACTING AND ADOPTING A SUPPLEMENT TO THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY.”  Mr. Powell motioned to accept after first reading and seconded by Mrs. Sidebottom.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.

Clerk Brock presented a proposal from Thurman Campbell Group to perform the audit of the financial statements ending June 30, 2011 and preparation of the City Uniform Financial Information Report for the amount of $16,500.00.  This is the same amount as last year.  Mr. Gibson motioned to accept the proposal and seconded by Mrs. Sidebottom.  Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Camp reported that sealed bids were received for the Commerce Street Sewer Extension Project on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 11:00 am at City Hall.  Bids received were as follows:

1. WHF, Inc.   $38,231.00
2. Garrison Construction, Inc. $44,142.20
3. Moore Construction, Inc. $47,470.00
4. Latham Backhoe and Dozer $54,658.00
5. United Pipeline, Inc.  $55,915.00
6. Scott & Ritter, Inc.  $75,496.00

Clerk Brock stated Chris Wilcutt of McGhee Engineering sent the city a letter stating he has reviewed the bids and checked all references for the low bidder, WHF, Inc., and recommends the city accept their bid of $38,231.00.  Clerk Brock stated the council can authorize the Mayor to award the contract, however she recommends the contract be awarded contingent upon receiving the consent to annexation from Joey Wells.  Mr. Scott motioned to award the contract to WHF, Inc. contingent upon receipt of consent to annexation from Joey Wells.  Motion seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported that Rabold Environmental has looked at the Elkton Die Casting building and has proposed the city test for PCBs, asbestos, metals and lead paint in the office portion of the building that would be used for the adult training center.  The cost to perform and analyze the tests would be $5,985.00.  Then, after the testing is completed, we will know how much contamination is involved, if any, with cleanup of that portion of the building.  The large foundry portion of the building is not included and it is proposed to secure and seal that portion of the building.  Clerk Brock has contacted Amanda Lefevre with the Energy and Environment Cabinet and would like to discuss the cleanup process with her prior to having anyone cleanup or test the building.

Mayor Camp and Clerk Brock updated the council on the South Streets Avenue Sidewalk and Drainage Project.  Both met with the engineers designing the project and a draft of the plans is ready to be sent to the state.


Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Police Chief Marklin.  Chief Marklin reported that a new officer (Will Meyers) was hired last week.  Chief Marklin reported department activity last month. 
Mr. Scott reported activity in the City-County Park.

Mr. Laster reported that the water loss in the city was still down to about 10% last month.  Mr. Frogue reported the department repaired several more small leaks.  Also, with the recent rains and flooding, there have been several hours of overtime at the sewer plant and because of sewer backing up.

Mrs. Sidebottom reported that the city will need to do some paving in the cemetery soon.  She and Clerk Brock will discuss putting some paving in next year’s budget.


Mayor Camp stated that Karen Martinez would like to meet with the Mayor and several council members to discuss insurance programs for city employees.

Mayor Camp reported the regular June council meeting conflicts with the Annual PADD Dinner Meeting.  Mayor Camp requested the regular meeting be cancelled and a special meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 14th at 7:00 pm.  Mr. Laster motioned to approve the request and seconded by Mr. Scott.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported receiving a lot of compliments on the Eggstravaganza and Carnival that was held in April.  It had been 23 years since the last carnival was held in Elkton.  Many of the local businesses stated their business was up that weekend with everyone in town. 

Mayor Camp reported the Welcome Center is going to host the “Cruise In” at the Elkton Die Casting property instead of on the Square.

On May 16th, Mayor Camp and Raymond Williams will be attending training on rules to follow when checking out the inmates for work release.

Mayor Camp reminded everyone the annual Spring Clean Up will start on Monday, May 16th and continue through Thursday, May 19th.

Police Chief Marklin reported the department has received a Highway Safety Grant to pay for officer overtime to perform safety check points in the city.

Mr. Gibson motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 PM.
