Message from Mayor Weathers

Message from Mayor Weathers regarding Special Meeting to discuss Tourism Commission and Restaurant/Lodging License Fee:

At City Hall, we’re so glad to hear out of town visitors say, “I just love this little town.” We hope they will shop, eat, and enjoy our community while they are here. Visitors bring dollars to our businesses and we want our folks to prosper.

Promoting tourism is regarded as one of the most efficient ways to increase economic development in a community. The importance of tourism to Elkton has the potential for more jobs, more community activities, better recreational facilities, and higher local business revenue. None of these important advantages are free. It takes funds to make any enhancements to our quality of life. The State of Kentucky has allowed small communities across the Commonwealth to pass a restaurant tax for the purpose of funding local tourism because our legislators understand the importance of tourism to economic growth in Kentucky.

An Elkton Tourism Commission would have appointed members from its citizens and business owners who have an interest in improving tourism in our community. Some of the suggested improvements to consider are: more community events and support for current events (Bale Trail, Harvestfest, etc.) a full time Welcome Center, improvements in the city-county park, outdoor stage, more downtown parking, and many more ideas.
