November 14, 2011 Council Meeting Minutes

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, November 14, 2011 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; Police Chief Bruce Marklin; Mr. Robert Johnson; Leslie Rager, Hearthstone Place; John Davis, Air Evac; Mike Calvin and Bruce Powell, Fastnet Wireless; Catherine Darnell, Todd County Standard; and, Marie Fainter, WHOP Radio.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the pledge of allegiance. Mr. David Powell gave invocation.

After reviewing the minutes of the October 10, 2011 council meeting, bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Laster motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Scott and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp welcomed John Davis with Air Evac. Mr. Davis explained that Air Evac is a private air ambulance company that has been located in Hopkinsville for 12 years. He is proposing the city purchase a membership for all city employees at a discounted rate of $40 per single, $45 per couple and $50 for three or more. Or, at least offer a payroll deduction to the employees to purchase a membership. After discussion, Mr. Davis thanked the council for their time.

Mayor Camp introduced Mike Calvin and Bruce Powell with Fastnet Wireless. Clerk Brock presented quotes for installing new WiFi internet on Public Square and in the City-County Park. Cornerstone Information Systems, $9,000; Green River Technologies, $5,244; and Fastnet Wireless, $3,288 to $4,199. Mr. Calvin explained his company’s experience and answered questions about the service that would be provided. After discussion, Mr. Calvin and Mr. Powell thanked the council and left the meeting along with Mr. Davis.

Mayor Camp requested the council amend the agenda to allow Mrs. Leslie Rager to address the council. Mr. Scott motioned to approve and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Rager explained that she was present on behalf of the residents at Hearthstone Place nursing home in Elkton who are concerned that there are no sidewalks to the nursing home. They have one resident in a wheelchair that is alert and likes to leave the facility. Because there are no sidewalks he travels in the road all the way to town. If the resident is alert and has the ability to leave the facility on their own, they must allow them to do so. However, due to safety concerns, they have had to stop allowing this gentleman to leave. Mrs. Rager stated she realizes it will be expensive, but she and the residents hope the council will consider installing sidewalks in the area. She presented a petition signed by many of the residents. She thanked the council and left the meeting.

Mayor Camp reported that Mr. Robert Downey with Woodmen Insurance donated three trees and mulch for Glenwood Cemetery. He and Mayor Camp will also present a “good neighbor award” to Mr. Kenny Clayton. The presentation will be held this Saturday at 8 am at The Gathering Place in Elkton. Woodmen Insurance will also make a donation to the charity of Mr. Clayton’s choice.

Mayor Camp reported the Elkton Planning Commission held a public hearing and discussed the proposed annexation of 6.049 acres on B. White Road. Clerk Brock read a report from the Planning Commission that recommended the property be annexed and that it be zoned Residential District R-1 upon its annexation. Ms. Sidebottom motioned to approve the recommendation and seconded by Mr. Jefferson. Motion carried unanimously.

Clerk Brock read first reading of Ordinance 2011-13, “AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING 6.049 ACRES OF UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY INTO THE CITY OF ELKTON, AND ESTABLISHING ZONING FOR THE NEWLY ANNEXED AREA (DILLY TURNER, AND JOEY WELLS PROPERTY).” Mr. Jefferson motioned to accept after first reading and seconded by Mr. Powell. Motion carried by unanimous show of hands.

Resolution 2011-5, “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ELKTON, KENTUCKY AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO MAKE APPLICATION FOR AND, UPON APPROVAL, TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE KENTUCKY OFFICE OF HOMELAND SECURITY (KOHS), TO EXECUTE ANY DOCUMENTS WHICH ARE DEEMED NECESSARY BY KOHS TO FACILITATE AND ADMINISTER THE PROJECT AND TO ACT AS THE AUTHORIZED CORRESPODENT FOR THIS PROJECT ” was presented to the council. Clerk Brock stated this resolution allows the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the state for the $25,000 Homeland Security grant the city was recently awarded for the purchase of turnout gear and SCBA devices. After discussion, Mr. Powell motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-5 and seconded by Mr. Gibson. Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp reported the clock in the Historic Courthouse was briefly working last week. The company repairing the clock is still working out some programming bugs and it should be working shortly.

Mayor Camp reported the Todd County Industrial Foundation met recently and Mr. Jefferson also attended on behalf of the council. Mayor Camp and Mr. Jefferson stated nothing could be reported from the meeting because most of the meeting was held in executive session.

Christmas in Elkton will be held Friday, December 2nd with Santa Claus visiting the Community House and caroling on the Square. There will be carriage rides from the Courthouse and from the Community House.

Mayor Camp reported Keith Sharp, Architect, looked over the bids the city received for cleaning up the Elkton Die Casting property. He reported to Mayor Camp that the bid received from Rabold Environmental ($34,600.00) seemed to be a good bid for what we wanted done. Mayor Camp also spoke with Donald Settle who is still interested in using the building for a training center. Mayor Camp also reported that Governor Beshear has stated that only communities that are “work ready communities” will be promoted by the state to new industries. Communities must have a plan in place in three years. Clerk Brock was asked if this project was in the budget and she stated it was not. Mr. Scott was concerned that no one was immediately ready to use the building and that additional work on top of this would be needed to get the building ready. There is conflicting information if the building is eligible for a Brownfield Grant. Clerk Brock stated that she was told that because there has not been a Phase I and Phase II study of the building, then we are not eligible. She can apply for both of these studies, which are done by the state for free on a first come first serve basis. It was the consensus of the council to apply for the Phase I and Phase II studies.


Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Police Chief Marklin. Chief Marklin reported Officer Will Meyers has successfully completed his six month probationary period. He also reported the new vehicle ordered for the department should be delivered in the next few weeks. He reported on Police Department activity in October. Also, Sargent Atkinson is attending firearms training this week through the National Rifle Association.

Mr. Scott reported all sports have been completed in the park this year. Demolition on the inside of the restrooms/concessions building has started with construction expected to begin next week.

Mr. Laster reported water loss this month was just over 8%. The same month last year was about 36%. This is a savings of about $9,000 in just one month. Mr. Frogue reported there is still work to be done to install master meters around town and other work to stay on top of the water loss. Frogue reported a water main break a few weeks ago that was found on a Sunday but the city was not notified until Monday.

Mr. Frogue updated the council on Riverbend Subdivision. Mr. Overholt met with the Planning Commission, who gave permission for Mr. Overholt to continue building the first house. There were several conditions that must be met before another house can be started. Mr. Kondraki, the engineer that designed the retention basin, has been working with Terry and Mr. Overholt to make sure it is being constructed correctly. Mr. Overholt and Mr. Frogue inspected the gravel base on the street and found several places that need some gravel added before the base asphalt layer can be installed.

Mr. Frogue reported the Water District still wants to make system changes to separate from the city. Terry has spoken with the Chairman of Kentucky Rural Water who has made some good suggestions. He will come down and work with Terry and the Water District to come to a solution. There was still concern over the why the Water District wants to make these costly changes.

Mr. Powell reported there was only one fire run since the last meeting. And, Chief Darrin Cole and the department are all very excited and thankful for the grant that was received for the turnout gear and SCBA devices.

Ms. Sidebottom reported that Modern Woodmen have planted three trees in the cemetery. Also, paving work should get started this week according to Scotty’s.


Mayor Camp reported the Historic Todd County Preservation Society has postponed their Evening of Elegance event until March 3, 2012. The event will benefit needed repairs to the second floor of the Historic Courthouse.

Clerk Brock reported that Coffman Lighting performed a lighting audit in City Hall and Police Station. Just for doing the audit, the city received all new LED emergency lights and exit signs. As a result of the audit, Coffman is proposing that new energy efficient retrofit lights be installed in the Police Department with occupancy sensors so the lights will go off when no one is in the station. Total cost for installing the new lights in the Police Station, including a rebate from TVA, would be $3,038. Total estimated energy cost savings would be about $2,700 per year, so the project would pay for itself in 1.4 years. As for City Hall, the cost would be $3,102 with annual estimated savings of $2,189 so the project would pay for itself in 2.3 years. Clerk Brock stated these repairs are not in this year’s budget, but the program might still be available next July if the council wanted to consider it for next year.

Mr. Jefferson asked if a decision needs to be made about Air Evac memberships. After discussion, Mr. Powell motioned to purchase a membership for city employees. Motion seconded by Ms. Sidebottom and carried unanimously.

There was also more discussion regarding WiFi. Mr. Gibson motioned to approve the proposal of Fastnet Wirelsess in the amount of $4,015.50. Motion seconded by Ms. Sidebottom and carried unanimously. After further discussion, Mr. Scott motioned to allow access to the WiFi 24 hours a day for now and to block the use of pornographic and other illegal websites. Motion seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously.

There was no further discussion, therefore Mr. Jefferson motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 PM.
