November 8, 2010 Council Meeting Minutes

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, November 8, 2010 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; John P. Kirkham, City Attorney; Police Chief Bruce Marklin; and, Stephanie Craft, Todd County Standard.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Terry Frogue gave invocation.

After reviewing the minutes of the October 11, 2010 meeting, bills payable and financial reports, Mr. Jefferson motioned to approve. Motion seconded by Mr. Gibson and carried unanimously.

Resolution 2010-5, “A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A MODERN AND ACCURATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OP TERRITORY PREVIOUSLY ANNEXED BY ORDINANCE” was presented to the council.  Clerk Brock explained this resolution is adopting a modern and accurate legal description and plat for Ordinance 1988-8.  Mr. Laster motioned to adopt the Resolution and seconded by Mr. Gibson.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.

Resolution 2010-6, “A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A MODERN AND ACCURATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OP TERRITORY PREVIOUSLY ANNEXED BY ORDINANCE” was presented to the council.  Clerk Brock explained this resolution is adopting a modern and accurate legal description and plat for Ordinance 1987-18.  Mr. Laster motioned to adopt the Resolution and seconded by Mr. Powell.  Motion carried unanimously by show of hands.

Mayor Camp welcomed Debra Sale, who gave an update on the Historic Courthouse Welcome Center.  Debra thanked the Mayor and council and stated that she hopes the Welcome Center will “be a place to bring the county together.”  She is working to set up historical displays from all over the county and display works from many of the talented local artists.

Mayor Camp asked Clerk Brock to report on the Elkton Community Alliance.  Brock reported that the new non-profit organization that now organizes all of Elkton Bike Night, Independence Day, HarvestFest and Christmas activities in Elkton, will hold their first annual Membership Meeting on Monday, November 15th at 6:30 pm at the Milliken Community House.  The new Board of Directors for next year will also be announced.  Also, the ECA is sponsoring a holiday food drive and a Toy Run to help raise food and toys for local families this Christmas.  Debra, who is also involved in ECA, stated the Toy Run will be held on Saturday, November 27th, with bikers invited to drop off a toy as the Historic Courthouse.  Locals are also invited to drop off a toy any time between now and November 27th.  Food drop off points are also being placed in various locations around town.

Mayor Camp reported that Christmas in Elkton will be held Friday, December 3rd.  Brock reported Santa Claus will be in the Community House from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm with the City sponsoring refreshments and children’s activities.  The Elkton Community Alliance is sponsoring free horse drawn carriage rides from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  Many local businesses in Elkton will also have refreshments and sales throughout the day.

Mayor Camp reported the city has received a signed consent to annexation from Shane Hessey, Todd County Funeral Home for property located at 720 West Main Street.  Frogue reported that he has already contacted McGhee Engineering to draw up the plans for the water and sewer line extensions.  Brock reported a public hearing has been scheduled by the Planning Commission to discuss and make a recommendation to the City Council for the zoning of the property upon annexation.  That hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16th at 7:00 pm at City Hall.

Mayor Camp reported there will be an Industry Appreciation Day luncheon at the Convention Center in Hopkinsville on Wednesday, December 10th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm if any of the council members would like to attend.

Mayor Camp reported the city is receiving more and more requests to accept credit and debit cards in City Hall.  Clerk Brock explained that the city would probably need to purchase extra software and equipment to accept credit and debit cards, which would cost an estimated $1,200.  Also, the city will have to set up a merchant account to process the payments.  When you set up a merchant account you have to pay the company a fee for each transaction to process the payments.  These fees are typically 1.5 to 2.0% of the transaction.  There are two ways the city could handle the transaction fees: 1) Charge the transaction fee to the customer on top of what the city is due; or, 2) The city could absorb the transaction fee and it would be deducted from the amount due to the city.  Estimates show that 10-15% of your customers will use the service.  As for utilities, if the city absorbs the fees it would cost us approximately $175 a month.  Clerk Brock stated she could not really estimate how many people would use credit card and debit cards with the city paying property taxes and other permits and licenses.  There was discussion that the city could absorb the fees at first and if it becomes too expensive, we could change to make the customer pay the fees.  Mr. Scott stated he was unsure if we should absorb the fees for a few people using the service.  After much discussion, Mr. Gibson motioned to begin accepting credit and debit cards with the city absorbing the transaction fees.  Motion seconded by Mrs. Sidebottom.  Voting in favor were Gibson, Jefferson, Laster, Powell and Sidebottom.  Voting opposed was Scott.  Motion carried.  

Mr. Gibson reported several streets that need potholes patched.  Frogue will take care of these as soon as possible.

Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Chief Marklin, who reported on the department activity in October.  Marklin also reported that Officer Joey Johnson was elected, pending a recount, as Todd County Sheriff and that we might be losing him in the near future.  Part-time Officer Mark Nichols would be moved to full-time.  Mr. Laster and the other council members commended the department for their work on Halloween.  Mr. Marklin reported the department passed out about 1,000 glow sticks to the children trick-or-treating.  Mayor Camp passed out a map prepared by PADD that shows where all of the accidents in Elkton occur.

Mr. Scott reported that football is finishing up in the park, with the only games remaining being tournaments or games out of town.  Therefore, the park is being closed down and winterized.
Mr. Laster reported that water loss has remained around 36%.  Frogue reported two water main breaks last month that have been repaired and several small leaks have been found.  The department is in the process of installing master meters around town to help find leaks.


Mayor Camp checked with the county and state and there will be no tire pick up in the county this year.

Mayor Camp reported the unemployment rate in the county is now 10.3%, one of the highest in the state.

Mayor Camp reported she has received many congratulatory phone calls and messages to pass on to the council for their re-election win.

Scott reported on the Park Improvement Grant Project.  The city has received a grant of $65,000 with a required $65,000 match for a total project of $130,000.  The main priority will be to renovate the restrooms and concessions building and replace the two park pavilions.  Doug Gibson reported that the concrete pads under the pavilions need to be totally replaced.  Also, the Latter Day Saints Church will be using this project as their “Day of Service” and expect about 150-300 volunteers to help with repairs.  Danny Laster, an LDS Church member, reported that other local churches and civic organizations will also be encouraged to volunteer.

Mrs. Sidebottom motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster.  Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.
