October 10, 2011 Council Meeting Minutes

The Elkton City Council met in regular session on Monday, October 10, 2011 with Mayor Nancy T. Camp presiding.

City Council members present: Doug Gibson; Eugene Jefferson; Jimmy Scott; Danny Laster; David Powell; and, Cindy Sidebottom.

Others present: City Clerk/Treasurer Laura Brock; Utility Superintendent Terry Frogue; City Attorney John P. Kirkham; Police Chief Bruce Marklin; Catherine Darnell, Todd County Standard; and, Marie Fainter, WHOP Radio.

Mayor Camp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the pledge of allegiance. Chief Bruce Marklin gave invocation.

After reviewing the minutes of the September 12, 2011 council meeting, minutes of the September 20, 2011 special council meeting, minutes of the September 26, 2011 special council meeting, minutes of the September 27, 2011 special council meeting, bills payable and financial reports, Ms. Sidebottom motioned to approve, seconded by Mr. Jefferson and carried unanimously.

Mayor Camp announced that Mr. Tim Pulley and Mr. John Davis were not in attendance, therefore those items on the agenda will be discussed at a later date.

Mayor Camp announced that the city received bids for “Asbestos Abatement, Lead Paint Removal and General Cleanup” at the Elkton Die Casting property on Friday, October 7, 2011, with the following bids received: Rabold Environmental, $34,600.00; AAA Remediation, $59, 729.00. Mayor Camp stated that the city may need to hire someone to watch over the project. Clerk Brock stated that this project is not in the current budget. There was discussion of whether Donald Settle and Doug Boley were still interested in using the building for an adult training center. After discussion, no action was taken.

Mayor Camp reported that bids were received for the “Concessions/Restroom Building Renovations” in the City-County Park on October 6, 2011 with the following bids received: Circle C Construction, $57,500.00; Haley Construction, $79,930.00. Clerk Brock stated this project is part of the Land and Water Conservation Grant the city received that is a 50/50 matching grant. Also, the Recreation Commission has money in savings to contribute to this project. Clerk Brock also reminded the council the grant agreement requires acceptance of the lowest bidder. After discussion, Mr. Scott motioned to accept the bid of Circle C Construction in the amount of $57,500.00. Motion seconded by Mr. Laster and carried unanimously.


Mr. Gibson reported the paving the state recently did in the city around the jail, courthouse, Baptist Church and other areas looks really good.

Mr. Jefferson called for a report from Police Chief Marklin, who reported on Police Department activity in September. Chief Marklin reported that Sargent Brian Atkinson is now a certified firearms instructor and he qualified all police officer last week. All officers must be qualified twice a year.

Mr. Scott reported football has about 92 children participating in the park.

Mr. Laster commended the department for maintaining about 5% water loss in the city over the last few months.

Mr. Frogue reported he and the Mayor received a letter from the Todd County Water District informing the city that the Water District voted to make system improvements to allow the District to operate on its own independently of the City. The District is notifying the city so that we can make plans for any changes to our system due to the Water District’s improvements. Frogue explained that this change would require the city to make several modifications to our system and that the city would need to hire an engineer to help plan these changes and to come up with a cost estimate. Frogue explained how the city lines are connected to the District lines and that over the years, the Water District and the City worked together when we purchased water from the county and that the county would not have been able to build and operate a water system unless Elkton had not agreed many years ago to participate with the county to build a water treatment plant and accept 55% of the water district debt for this construction. Frogue has tried to work with John Haley, District Superintendent, to come to an agreement to trade water lines and customers in the past to separate lines more, but no agreement could be made. There was discussion about what the motivation is behind requesting these changes when it does not seem necessary. There was also discussion if the District could legally require the city to make these changes. It was the consensus of the council the city did not need to do anything at this time. It was also suggested the Water District explain their motivation behind making these system changes.

Mr. Frogue reported that Arland Overholt has applied for a zoning permit for construction of a house in Riverbend Subdivision. The foundation for the house was already constructed before applying for the permit. And, as explained at a previous council meeting, Mr. Overholt has not met the Planning Commission requirement of constructing the street to the first six lots through the base layer of asphalt and submitting a letter of credit to the city for the top layer of asphalt. Therefore, Mr. Frogue will not be able to issue a zoning permit for the house. According to Cornerstone Real Estate, the house has already been sold. Mr. Frogue stated he wanted to update the council in case action is needed to be taken in the future.

Ms. Sidebottom reported that the Modern Woodmen of America will be planting trees in Glenwood cemetery next week. They are donating $250 for trees and $500 for mulching.


Mayor Camp recommended the city make their annual contribution of $10,000 to the Foundation that was budgeted for this year. Mayor Camp reported the new Industrial Foundation sign has been put up on Highway 68/80. After considerable discussion, Mr. Powell motioned to contribute $10,000 to the Industrial Foundation and seconded by Mr. Laster. Voting in favor of the motion were Gibson, Jefferson, Scott, Laster and Powell. Voting opposed was Sidebottom. Motion carried.

Mayor Camp reported that John Davis with Air Evac had requested to be on the agenda tonight to ask the council to consider purchasing a membership for all city employees. There was discussion if the health insurance the city purchases for each employee would cover the cost of the flight. Clerk Brock will contact Anthem to see if the flight would be covered.

Clerk Brock reported the city is now accept credit and debit card payments in City Hall. Also, she is working on getting additional quotes for WiFi on Public Square and in the City-County Park.

There was no further discussion, therefore Mr. Gibson motioned to adjourn and seconded by Mr. Laster. Motion carried unanimously and meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 PM.
