Special City Council Meeting May 21 2015


There will be a special meeting of the Elkton City Council on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 5:30 PM at Elkton City Hall, 71 Public Square, to discuss the following:


AGENDA (Amended)

1. 2nd Reading Ordinance 2015-2: Amending Chapter 152 (Planning)

2. Planning Commission Recommendation for Zoning of Property on B. White Road Upon Annexation

3. 1st Reading Ordinance 2015-3: Annexation of Property on B. White Road

4. Fire Truck Purchase

5. 1st Reading Ordinance 2015-4: Amending Budget for FY 2015

6. Mayor’s Budget Message and Proposal for FY 2016

7. 1st Reading Ordinance 2015-5: Budget Appropriations Ordinance FY 2016

8. 1st Reading Ordinance 2015-6: Adjusting Monthly Service Fee for Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste Materials
