Water Meter Replacement Project

The City of Elkton is in the process of replacing water meters to maintain accuracy in the accounting of water usage. The city will continue to use a radio read point system that we have had for several years. However, the city is now offering the customer/landowner the option of adding to your meter a cellular read point system that will allow you to have an app (EyeOnWater) on your mobile phone or computer in order to monitor water usage.

From this app, customers will be able to view the reading of your own water meter on a daily and weekly basis. Customers will have access to data with charts to show the water usage of that meter and will also be able to setup alerts to be notified of water leaks. Currently, it now takes up to four weeks before the city detects you might have a water leak since meters are only read once a month. However, if you choose the cellular read option the meter will be read daily and you can setup your phone/computer to be notified of a leak within 24 hours. To see more information on this app, visit the EyeOnWater website HERE or view demonstration videos from other communities using this system below.

If you would like to add this cellular read point to your account, there will be a one-time cost per water meter of $30.00 and an additional cost per month of a cellular read fee. This cellular read fee is set by the meter company and is now $0.83 per month. Future cellular fees may increase, but the current fee is set for 3 years. Once this fee is added it will be a permanent fee that cannot be removed later.

Some folks believe this cellular fee is like an insurance on your meter to help prevent a large bill from an unknown water leak that cannot be caught sooner.

If you are satisfied on how your water bill is currently handled, you do not need to contact City Hall. However, if you would like to have the cellular read option on your meter, please complete the Cellular Water Meter Project Form and return to City Hall, 71 Public Square, by July 31st. The cost of adding this to your meter will be added to your Elkton Utilities bill when the new meter is installed in the fall of this year.

If you have questions about this option for your water meter, please contact city hall at 270-265-9877. We can also have city Utility Department personnel come to your home or business to answer questions, if needed. Thanks for your consideration of this water meter option. If you desire to add cellular to your meter, please complete form and return to city hall as soon as possible.

After July 31st, new meters will have been ordered and the cost of adding cellular will then be $130.00 plus monthly cellular fees to change out the meter to cellular.
