The city of Elkton Beautification Committee is excited to announce a “Yard of the Month” award that will be given to residential properties located in the city limits of Elkton. The Committee wants to show their appreciation to and to recognize those residents of Elkton who demonstrate superior effort in maintaining their property and who, as a result, positively contribute to the overall appearance of the community. All residential properties in the city limits of Elkton are automatically eligible.
The “Yard of the Month” will be awarded monthly by the Elkton Beautification Committee starting at the end of June. The award will be based on the overall appearance of their property as viewed from the street. Yards will be judged on overall appearance of the property and factors include, but are not limited to, tidiness and neatness of the front yard and landscaping, yard free of debris and clutter, no excessive weeds, and for holiday or seasonal decorations.
Each monthly winner will receive special recognition by the Elkton Beautification Committee with the honor of displaying the official “Yard of the Month” lawn-sign in their yard that identifies their property as being that month’s winner. The resident of the property will also receive a $30 in Todd County “Chamber Bucks” gift certificates.