Elkton Utilities Customer Payment Portal – Online Payment of Elkton Utilities Bills for Water, Sewer and Garbage Services. You can also register your account and sign up for e-bill.
Payments by Phone – To make a payment by phone, you will now call 1-888-585-6783 (English and Spanish Options)
To pay your bill online or by phone, you will need your account number and CID. These numbers are printed on your Elkton Utilities bill every month.
Convenience Fees
Elkton Utilities Payments – There will be a $2.25 convenience fee added to all payments made by credit or debit card for Elkton Utilities Payments.
This convenience fee will be for all debit/credit card payments made in City Hall, online, or over the phone. This fee covers the cost the credit card companies charge to process a debit/credit card payment and will go directly to the credit card company, not to the city.
Free payment options:
- You can still sign up at City Hall for automatic bank draft payments for Elkton Utilities. Complete the Automatic Payment Agreement Authorization and required attachments and your Elkton Utilities payment will be automatically drafted from your checking or savings account on the 7th of each month.
- Through the new online Customer Portal or dedicated phone payment line, you can pay by e-check at no cost.
- You will still be able to pay by cash or check in City Hall or drop off a check payment in the drop box in the City Hall foyer.
Please note that this is for Elkton Utilities customers only! To Pay a bill for the Todd County Water District, please go Visit Their Website Here.
City Hall Office (Utility Payments)
71 Public Square
PO Box 578
Elkton, KY 42220
Office hours: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday
Phone: 270.265.9877
Fax: 270.265.5816
Wastewater Treatment Plant (Utility Maintenance)
304 Weathers Avenue
PO Box 578
Elkton, KY 42220
Hours of Operation: 7:00AM-3:30PM, Monday through Friday
Phone: 270.265.9877
Fax: 270.265.5707
Utility/Street Department Staff
Chris Orr, Public Works Director, corr@elktonky.com
Justin Moberly, Sewer Treatment Plant Operator
Josh Reynolds, Maintenance
Chris Brady, Maintenance
Dalton Taylor, Maintenance
John Service, Animal Control
The City of Elkton operates a water distribution system and sewer treatment facility. The monthly utility bill consists of a charge for water usage, sewer usage, and solid waste collection. The City contracts with Waste Management for residential garbage collection.
Utility bills are typically mailed on the 23rd of each month and are due on the 7th of the following month. If the bill remains unpaid after the 7th, a 10% penalty will be charged to the bill. If the bill remains unpaid by 9:30 AM on the 16th of the month, a $50 service charge will be added to the bill and the utility service will be disconnected.
All customers are required to pay a deposit to establish utility service. The deposit is $175.00 for a renter and $100.00 for a property owner. The city reserves the right to require a copy of the rental agreement to establish a customer is a renter and not the property owner. There is also a nonrefundable service charge of $25.00 that is due upon establishing service.
While the city operates and maintains a water distribution system, we purchase treated water from the Logan-Todd Regional Water Commission. Logan-Todd receives its water from the Cumberland River near Clarksville, Tennessee. The plant has the capacity to produce 20 million gallons per day of treated water. It is projected that will meet the needs of this area for the next 50 years. Current estimates requires the plant to produce approximately 11 million gallons of water per day.
Water – Inside City Limits:
0 to 2,000 Gallons – $ 23.00 minimum bill
Next 8,000 – $ 12.05 per 1,000 gallons
Next 10,000 – $ 10.95 per 1,000 gallons
Next 20,000 – $ 9.58 per 1,000 gallons
Over 40,000 – $ 7.94 per 1,000 gallons
Water – Outside City Limits:
First 2,000 Gallons – $ 26.02 minimum bill
Next 8,000 – $ 13.61 per 1,000 gallons
Next 10,000 – $ 12.16 per 1,000 gallons
Over 20,000 – $ 10.69 per 1,000 gallons
Private Fire Service Lines:
Sprinkler Heads up to 600 – $25.00 per month
Sprinkler Heads – $.04 per head over 600
Tap Fees:
5.8′ Meter – $750
1″ Meter – $1,200
All other meters – Actual cost
Monthly Meter Fee:
The City Council does hereby fix and establish the following monthly rates to be charged for meters to cover testing and replacement of meters, as necessary. Rates to become effective and charged on all bills according to meter size as follows:
5/8” meter – $0.00
1” meter – $0.57
1 1/2” meter – $10.32
2” meter – $11.36
3” meter – $26.44
6” meter – $56.71
Cellular Read Meters – Eye On Water
The City of Elkton recently replaced water meters to maintain accuracy in the accounting of water usage. The city will continue to use a radio read point system that we have had for several years. However, several customers chose to have a cellular read point system installed that will allow them to use Eye On Water on a mobile phone or computer in order to monitor daily water usage. You can also set leak alerts to receive emails and/or text messages if you have a water leak. If you have the cellular endpoint this is a very useful tool to alert you to costly water leaks as soon as they happen.
Instructions for Eye On Water: EyeOnWater Web and App Instructions
Visit the helpeyeonwater.com page to view instructions on using the website or app.
The city owns and operates a sewage treatment plant and collection system. The plant was constructed in 1987 and is located on the southeast side of town along Elk Fork Creek. In 2009, the city completed a project to not only upgrade the facility, but also increase the plants capacity.
Sewer Rates:
0 to 2,000 Gallons – $ 36.76 minimum charge
2,001 and over – $ 8.90 per 1,000 gallons
South Todd Sewer Line – $491.94 per month
Extra fee for Out-of-County Customers – $15.38 per month
Tap Fees:
All Sewer Taps – $900.00 or Cost
Cellular Read Fee: $0.83 per month
Connect/General Service Charge – $25.00
Connect/General Service Charge After Hours – $45.00
Non-Payment Fee – $50.00
Reconnect Non-Payment Fee After Hours – $75.00
Returned Check – $35.00
Fire Hydrant Meter Charge – $25.00
Reconnect After Illegally Reconnecting – $250.00
Service Charge to Change to Cellular Meter -$100.00
The City of Elkton also provides weekly curbside garbage pick-up for each resident. The City contracts with GFL Environmental, who provides each resident with a container and picks up garbage every Friday morning. All containers should be placed curbside Thursday night to guarantee pick up. The rate for garbage pick up is $11.25 per container per month.
This fee also covers a once a year “spring cleanup” that allows residents to place certain large junk items to the curb to be picked up and hauled off. Look for announcements on our website for dates of these events, but it is generally in April each year.
The city of Elkton and Todd County Fiscal Court have partnered together to once again offer a recycling program for Elkton and Todd County! A recycling bin is now located in the Elkton Convenience Center at 208 Garth Lane in Elkton. Hours for the Center are Mon, Wed, and Sat, 8am-4:30pm and Fri, 12-4:30pm.
Recycling Flyer With More Details
The Utility expressly reserves the right to disconnect, confiscate unauthorized devices, and/or discontinue service or any other connection with or without notice where the Utility discovers, finds or is otherwise made aware of any such installation that poses a threat to the supply, public health or public safety.
Supply – the utility cannot guarantee uninterrupted service and will not be responsible for any claims arising out of the failure to deliver continuous service.